

WATCH: Biden Admin Preemptively Blames Russia For ‘Biological Attack’ After Admitting U.S. Had Biolabs In Ukraine

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Victoria Nuland, the US government’s Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs, has admitted that the U.S. has biolabs in Ukraine and then preemptively blamed Russia for any ‘biological attack’ that may result.

In Washington, DC, on Tuesday, she spoke before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Ukraine, saying that the US was working with Ukraine to ‘avoid invading Russian soldiers from taking biological research material.’

The Russian Defense Ministry had recently revealed that they had found evidence of US-funded Biolabs in Ukraine which had quickly destroyed samples of deadly pathogens when the ‘military operation’ started.

Russia has also claimed that Ukraine was close to building a plutonium-based dirty bomb nuclear weapon. On March 6, Moscow’s foreign ministry tweeted that Russian forces had found evidence that Kyiv was eradicating traces of the military-biological program in Ukraine, financed by the Pentagon.

OpIndia reports: The State Department also stated that it was concerned that Russian forces are trying to gain control of biological research facilities within Ukraine. The committee was set to examine Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the worldwide response.

At the hearing, State Department official Victoria Nuland was asked whether Ukraine has bioweapons. “Ukraine has biological research facilities, which in fact we are now quite concerned Russian troops, Russian forces, may be seeking to gain control of”, she stated to the US lawmakers on March 8. “We are working with the Ukrainians on how they can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces should they approach”, she added.

Following the response, US Senator Marco Rubio quickly added that there were ‘Russian propaganda’ reports claiming the discovery of a plot by Ukrainians to release biological weapons, with coordination from NATO. He further asked that if a biological or chemical weapon attack were to occur inside Ukraine, whether Russians would be behind it, to which Nuland affirmed saying, “There is no doubt in my mind, Senator.” She said that it is the classic Russian technique to blame the other guy for what they are planning to do themselves.

US-funded Biolabs in Ukraine

However, by saying that Russia will be responsible for a ‘biological or chemical weapon attack’ taking place, the Nuland has in a way admitted what the Russian government has been saying all along, that US-funded Biolabs are working on developing bioweapons on Ukrainian soil.

The US government’s embassy in Ukraine had stated that they fund research programs in Ukraine that work on ‘world’s most dangerous pathogens’.

US Embassy’s Biolabs in Ukraine

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2 years ago

Nigger biden

RJ O'Guillory
2 years ago

…. a lying, treasonous C U N T trying to get ahead of the information curve, as we know the labs are US biolabs, and their actions are illegal. People like Rubio and this traitor make me ill.

Belinda BoundreauD
Belinda Boundreau
2 years ago

The Clash of Civilizations has begun. Putin is the ‘good guy’ so far and one has yet to emerge here in America – the Federal Bureau of the Khazjeu would immediately haul them off or worse….

Howard T. Lewis III
Howard T. Lewis III
2 years ago

This case is so pathetically simple. Shoot the liars.

Howard T. Lewis III
Howard T. Lewis III
2 years ago

Victoria Nuland was recorded bragging about the cheap price she paid to procure mercenaries to murder the entire elected Ukraine government at their desks at work. This was done after the purchase of demonstrators to protest and give cause for mercenary snipers and later the hitmen to assassinate the government.