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Biden Admin Scrambles To Deleted Web Pages Showing Obama Ordered Ukraine BioLabs to Develop ‘Deadly Pathogens’

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According to a web page that has been quietly deleted, Barack Obama led an operation that resulted in the construction of biolabs in Ukraine responsible for creating lethal and dangerous pathogens.

The news comes on the same day that Biden’s spokeswoman, Victoria Nuland, expressed to the Senate that the US government is concerned about the biological research facilities in Ukraine slipping into Russian hands.

The article “Biolab Opens in Ukraine,” which was originally published on June 18th, 2010, describes how Obama assisted in the negotiation of an agreement to create a level-3 biolab in the Ukrainian city of Odessa. reports: The article, which also highlighted the work of former Senator Dick Lugar, was additionally included in Issue No. 818 of the United States Air Force (USAF) Counterproliferation Center’s Outreach Journal.

“Lugar said plans for the facility began in 2005 when he and then-Senator Barack Obama entered a partnership with Ukrainian officials. Lugar and Obama also helped coordinate efforts between the U.S and Ukrainian researchers that year in an effort to study and help prevent avian flu,” explained author Tina Redlup.

2011 report from the U.S. National Academy of Sciences’ Committee on Anticipating Biosecurity Challenges of the Global Expansion of High-Containment Biological Laboratories explained how the Odessa-based laboratory “is responsible for the identification of especially dangerous biological pathogens.”

“This laboratory was reconstructed and technically updated up to the BSL-3 level through a cooperative agreement between the United States Department of Defense and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine that started in 2005. The collaboration focuses on preventing the spread of technologies, pathogens, and knowledge that can be used in the development of biological weapons,” the report continues.

“The updated laboratory serves as Interim Central Reference Laboratory with a depozitarium (pathogen collection). According to Ukrainian regulations, it has a permit to work with both bacteria and viruses of the first and second pathogenic groups,” explains the report.

A separate document detailing Ukraine’s biolab network from the BioWeapons Prevention Project outlines in greater detail the scope of pathogens the facility has conducted research with.

Among the viruses the lab studied were Ebola and “viruses of pathogencity group II by using of virology, molecular, serologica and express methods.”

Additionally, the lab provided “special training for specialists on biosafety and biosecurity issues during handling of dangerous biological pathogenic agents.”

The unearthed biolab facility follows intense scrutiny over the U.S. government’s decision to fund risky, “gain-of-function” research in Wuhan at a Chinese Communist Party-run lab with military ties.

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2 years ago

Is it surprising that Victoria Nuland would worry about dangerous Biolabs falling out of Obama’s hands?

2 years ago

Biden scrambles to delete files? TOO LATE MORON. its all out now and you cant spin it.

2 years ago

So no one downloaded the web page before it was deleted?

Belinda BoundreauD
Belinda Boundreau
2 years ago

Thinking everyone is waking up and smelling the coffee. After Jimmy Carter humiliated the khazjeu highnesses, the khazjeu set out to make sure that every leader they picked for America humiliated America. Keep in mind our current government arrived in January, 1981.

Ronnie was a good looking guy, and product of Hollyjeu, great with sound bites. it was strongly rumored that Ronnie had early stage dementia, while it was no big secret Nancy Davis probably sucked every cock in Hollyjeu and half of the world.

The Bushes, Clintons and Obama are complete trash of the worst kind. DJT came in by a fluke – someone turned the Clinton ‘installation’ on its head. Still wondering why the khazjeu hasn’t taken out DJT and his entire family. Anyone who spoke the truth would be crushed and their careers destroyed as being filthy, disobedient goyim’….

2 years ago

Obama clinton et al are all priavte citizens, so if someone wacked them it is a state crime. But check with your criminal attorney. But remember if you kill a sitting politicians, judge, federal employee you are going to get a needle, but families are fair game. Hey for $100 bucks any illegal will do the job LMAO

2 years ago

She could care less, Americans won’t do a thing, never do, just blame each other or someone else, same deception played on them and they do nothing, JFK rfk mlk the uss liberty , watergate Iran contra Iraq 1, 9/11, Iraq 2 WMD 2008 stock market, Obama, hits Rey, Benghazi, isis, syraia libya, Afghanistan, you guys are all punks and deserve what you are getting now, the work will move on without you, all you have is my shitty Nazi country to the north to boss around now, no one in the world believes you or your British masters bull sh!t anymore, you lied too many times,,,

2 years ago

The cabal can’t control the flow of information anymore. All of their crimes are being exposed. The only cover up they can think of is trying to say Putin may use bioweapons in the near future/ a LOT of people need to hang from a rope.