

World’s First Vaccine Against RSV ‘Could Be Ready Within Months’ — Will You Take It?

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The world’s first vaccination against the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) might be ready in a matter of months, according to scientists.

RSV is a common respiratory virus that causes mild, cold-like symptoms in adults and older children who are otherwise healthy.

Because the virus is particularly hazardous to newborns and very young children, the new vaccination will be targeted at pregnant women in their late stages of pregnancy in order to safeguard their offspring from birth.

GlaxoSmithKline, a major pharmaceutical firm, says it is just months away from releasing findings that it hopes will indicate that its newest RSV vaccine is both safe and effective.

MSN reports:

Data is due in early 2022, and the vaccine is expected to be approved and in use by next winter.

Dr Jamila Louahed, the vice-president of vaccine research and development at GSK, told The Telegraph that the pharmaceutical company has been working towards this moment for decades, and is now on the verge of a breakthrough.

“We have to wait for the data to be certain, but I am quite comfortable saying there is a high probability that the vaccine will work,” she said.

The jab is a traditional vaccine, a sub-unit protein design which mimics the virus itself. This method is used for many other diseases, such as Hepatitis B, and there will be two forms for the two susceptible populations.

Infants will be protected from birth because the vaccine is given to pregnant women in their third trimester, and antibodies made by the mother will be passed to the child in the womb via cord blood in the umbilical cord and placenta.

“For the baby, the burden of disease starts very early, so as soon as the baby’s born he can be infected with RSV,” Dr Louahed said.

“It’s an innovative approach where immunisation of the mother, at a time where they don’t have any risk, can really protect the baby as soon as possible.”

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2 years ago

If it is EUA and not FDA approved, forget about it!

2 years ago

Americans are over-vaccinated as it is. Starting at birth and up Americans have injected their bodies with more viruses than any other nation. Yet, Americans are at the bottom of the list of nations in terms of health and being free of prescription medications.
What’s with the vaccine madness?
Ask any scientist who studies virology how many viruses there are in the world and you would be surprised at the answer. Tens of thousands! Too many to identify all of them.
For centuries viruses have been sharing the planet with people. Humans need to focus on developing strong immune systems and should avoid eating GMO foods. Going back to natural grains, vegetables, beans, grass grazed meat sources, range chicken and eggs, etc. The nutrients from natural sources combat viruses.
The Amish, for example, quickly acquired herd immunity for most of their populations. Look at their diets and overall health for the reason. Godly lives are well sustained by spiritual health as well as physical health.
Faithful Christians understand our bodies are the temples from which we worship the Lord. These bodies are extraordinarily and miraculously made. No need to tamper with them a lot.