

The Corruption Runs DEEP: Now Biden Linked To Same Cybersecurity Firm That Hillary Used To Spy On Trump

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Well this is an interesting development. It turns out that Team Biden was paying the same cybersecurity firm that Hillary used to spy on Trump, raising the question if Biden was also spying on Trump:

FREE BEACON – The Biden campaign paid nearly $20,000 to a cybersecurity firm at the center of Special Counsel John Durham’s investigation into the origins of the Trump-Russia probe.

The campaign paid Neustar Information Services in 2020 for accounting and compliance work, according to Federal Election Commission records. According to Durham, Neustar’s chief technology officer, Rodney Joffe, accessed sensitive web traffic data that the company maintained on behalf of the White House executive office in order to collect “derogatory” information about Donald Trump. Joffe allegedly provided the information to Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann, who in turn gave it to the CIA during a meeting in February 2017. Durham charged Sussmann in September with lying to the FBI about his investigation of Trump.

The Biden campaign’s payments raise questions about whether Joffe continued snooping on Trump in the most recent election. The Biden and Clinton campaigns are the only two presidential committees to have ever paid Neustar, according to Federal Election Commission records. Biden’s campaign paid Neustar $18,819 on Sept. 29, 2020, the records show. The Clinton campaign paid the firm $3,000 in May 2015 for mobile phone services. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee paid $3,000 to Neustar in 2017. Neustar executives and staffers contributed $17,906 to Biden’s campaign, FEC records show.

It is unclear what Neustar executives knew of Joffe’s activities on behalf of the Clinton campaign.

Durham alleges that Joffe and his associates “mined” the White House traffic data “for the purpose of gathering derogatory information about Donald Trump.” Joffe, who retired from Neustar in September, allegedly told associates that he was investigating Trump in order to please “VIPs” on the Clinton campaign. He also allegedly wanted a job in the Hillary Clinton administration.

Joffe and Neustar have not been named in court filings for the Sussmann case, but Joffe’s attorneys have confirmed his involvement in the matter to news outlets. Joffe has not been charged with wrongdoing. Neustar and Joffe’s lawyer did not respond to requests for comment. The White House referred the Washington Free Beacon to the Democratic National Committee for comment. The organization did not respond.

There’s no way to know if Biden was doing the same thing as Hillary and it would take an investigation to figure it out, and that’s not likely to happen.

But it would surprise no one if Biden did spy on Trump. After all, Biden was the one who suggested the FBI use the Logan Act to persecute Michael Flynn after requesting he be unmasked in his phone call with the Russian ambassador.



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2 years ago

File this under “Birds of a Feather”.

Dennis Morrisseau
2 years ago

You need to show payments ONE HELL OF A LOT LARGER THAN THAT… show any real linkage….
and this is from a Trump fan.

2 years ago

The plot gets a .little thicker . To what end?

Michael Sarro
Michael Sarro
2 years ago

No discussion to be had. Ain’t nuthin gonna happen to anyone in the Obama Clinton Cabal. No matter what Durham discovers, no one gets prosecuted.