

Former Director Of National Intel. Drops A BOMB: ‘Biden AND Obama KNEW About Clinton’s Plot To Hack Trump Servers’ And There’s ‘Enough Evidence’ For Criminal Indictments

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Former Director of National Intelligence John Radcliffe has dropped a bomb on the Obama Administration, including both the former President and current President, Joe Biden.

According to Ratcliffe, both Joe Biden and Barack Obama were well aware that Hillary Clinton’s team was attempting to hack into Trump’s servers in order to discover ties to the Kremlin, since John Brennan briefed them on Clinton’s strategy to taint Trump with a scandal.

Ratcliffe has asserted that there is more than ‘enough evidence’ to indict ‘multiple people’ connected to the scandal.

Even Democrats are now demanding for Mrs. Clinton’s involvement in Russiagate to be examined.

The Mail Online reports:

Ratcliffe said former CIA Director John Brennan told Obama and the then-president and Vice President Biden in 2016 about allegations Clinton was trying to fabricate Trump’s links to Russia to distract from the scandal over her deleted emails.

The former DNI also told Fox News Digital on Monday there is ‘enough evidence’ to indict ‘multiple people’ in Special Counsel John Durham’s probe into the origins of the Russia investigation into ex-President Doanld Trump.

It follows Durham’s bombshell claims in legal filings over the weekend that Clinton’s campaign paid a firm to target servers in Trump Tower to create a fake scandal while he was still in office.

Clinton allegedly approved in the 2016 election ‘a plan concerning U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump and Russian hackers hampering U.S. elections as a means of distracting the public from her use of a private email server,’ according to a CIA Counterintelligence Operational Lead (CIOL) first revealed when a heavily-redacted version became declassified in October 2020.

The September 2016 memo was forwarded from the CIA to the FBI to the attention of then-FBI Director James Comey and then-Deputy Assistant Director of Counterintelligence Peter Strzok – the ‘FBI lover’ who had a relationship with Lisa Page.

Trump sent a short statement Monday morning with feelings of vindication after Durham’s filing revealed Clinton’s plot to link him to Russia.

‘I was proven right about the spying, and I will be proven right about 2020!’ he wrote, insisting his claims of fraud and meddling in the 2020 presidential election will also be confirmed.

‘What did John Brennan tell President Obama in the Oval Office in 2016?’ Fox News’ Bill Hemmer asked Ratcliffe during an interview Monday.

‘Well, I can talk about this because this part has been declassified,’ he prefaced. ‘He briefed President Obama and Vice President Biden and other members of the national security team about this specific intelligence that John Durham now has about a Hillary Clinton plan to falsely accuse and vilify Donald Trump with a scandal, and the discussion around that and whether or not it was good intelligence.’

‘And so everything that happened after that is one of the reasons that John Durham is investigating,’ Ratcliffe added.

‘Those are the issues that John Durham is looking at and I think there will be many more,’ he said. ‘I would expect there to be quite a few more indictments because of that. There wasn’t a proper predicate to begin that investigation and John Durham has said that publicly already.’ reached out to an Obama spokesperson regarding the alleged briefing but did not get a response.

White House Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was asked about the Ratcliffe claims during Monday’s briefing and referred reporters to the Justice Department for all questions related to the Durham report.

Brennan was questioned by Special Counsel John Durham’s team for eight hours in August 2020 as part of the ongoing investigation, specifically focusing on whether the former CIA director pushed for a more blunt assessment of Russia’s motivations

Ratcliffe told Durham, sources told Fox News, that the indictments could be connected to Clinton’s lawyers hacking Trump’s servers to try and fabricate ties to his campaign and the Kremlin in order to distract from her own email scandal.

A source familiar with the matter told Fox that Ratcliffe has privately raised concerns regarding the CIOL directing its memo specifically to Comey and Strzok.

Ratcliffe met with Durham more than once and shared his assessment that multiple people can be charged with a crime in the events that ultimately led to Trump’s first impeachment, in which he was acquitted by the Senate.

Before becoming Trump’s director of National Intelligence, Ratcliffe served as U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Texas and after that was a congressman for Texas’ 4th congressional district.

A growing chorus of Democrats believe Clinton should be questioned by Durham for her alleged role in the Russian secret server scandal in a poll conducted before the bombshell revelations that her team spied on Trump’s campaign.

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2 years ago

Lol. Don’t hold your breath, rubes. Nothing is going to come from this.

2 years ago

Don’t count on indictments. There has ALWAYS been more than enough evidence for criminal prosecution but as we have found out, Republicans are lilly-livered COWARDS and never do anything against the left.

2 years ago

They have been saying for a long time that Trump has all the evidence and proof to put them all in Prison if not death for high Treason. He has the servers, he has the hard drives, and he has ALL their email. He even has all the data they they think they erased or destroyed They are all screwed. Yes we do have hope! And what is also great is that many people in the media will also go to prison.

2 years ago

So yet again you are giving the real Americans hope of a future where these criminals in DC will go to jail and suffer for what they have done to us. But will it happen? Who is going to keep this in motion and save our country? You all have turned from God? You all have turned from laws? You all have allowed our country to be invaded. You have turned you faces from the unborn and even children that are born by killing them. You have turned against your own children by masking them and shuddering their very beings. So who is our hope? You have turned your backs on the most powerful hope we had, and that is Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Churches wake up call out to the Lord. Ask for forgiveness for turning your faces from Him. Open your eyes people, start fighting for your rights. Or you will fall to evil.