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Bombshell Report Links RINO Liz Cheney To Clinton Spy Scandal — ‘This Is Treason’

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A damning new report has revealed that famously anti-Trump Representative Liz Cheney is linked to Hillary Clinton’s criminal spy scandal.

According to the report, Rep. Cheney’s husband covertly assisted Hillary Clinton in unlawfully spying on President Trump’s White House and Trump Tower.

This week, fresh details emerged concerning Hillary Clinton’s hiring of a hacker firm to unlawfully spy on President Trump while he was in office in order to uncover dirt on Trump’s ties to Russia.

The dossier was made public as part of the Durham inquiry into the bogus Russia investigation’s beginnings.

Michael Sussman, who was arrested for lying to the FBI after providing them with phony intelligence linking President Trump to the Russian Alfa bank, has hired Lathan & Watkins LLP to represent him.

Liz Cheney’s husband, Phillip Perry, is a partner at Lathan & Watkins LLP, according to new information. The legal firm also represented the Clinton campaign when it provided forged papers to the FBI in order to encourage them to probe Trump. reports:

“On February 11, 2022, Durham filed the Government’s Motion to Inquire into Potential Conflicts of Interest in the Michael Sussmann case. As you might recall, Sussmann was charged with giving false statements to then-FBI General Counsel James Baker regarding the interests he was representing in pushing to the FBI the Alfa Bank/Trump Organization hoax. More background information on the Sussmann indictment can be found here.

The basis for the latest motion is that Sussmann’s current counsel, Latham & Watkins LLP (Latham) might have a conflict of interest because Latham previously represented Perkins Coie and Mark Elias “in this investigation.” It is alleged that Latham “likely possesses confidential knowledge about Perkins Coie’s role in, and views concerning, Sussmann’s past activities.” (Cleaned up.)

There might also be a conflict because Latham was representing both the Clinton Campaign and Hillary for America in the Special Counsel’s investigation. Durham observes that Latham’s duties to these former clients “might cause its interests to diverge from those of [Sussmann].”

Not only has Cheney’s husbands law firm represented the Clinton campaign, they have also represented the Chinese military and Chinese intelligence agencies.  Cheney identified China as a “generational” threat to the United States, while her husband is profiting from work his law firm is doing to represent their military and intelligence agencies.

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2 years ago

So far all I hear is a lot of talk and innuendo. I want to see people going to jail or prison and not getting rich off of taxpayers, and writing books.

Gordo k
Gordo k
2 years ago

It just gets deeper and deeper. Good grief, where does it end. Is there room in prisons for the whole of the Demoncrat party, as they all seem to be heading that way.

2 years ago

Lizzie is a scuzzie.

2 years ago

We have a Justice system?

2 years ago

So, how many legislators and Deep State personnel, and Federal employees and Judicial branch appointees and SCOTUS people are in bed with China? 50% ? 75%?
I suspect one of those numbers is correct.
Pray, people, for God to save America. Ask family and friends to pray daily for God’s miracles to protect and defend One Nation Under God.This is important.

2 years ago

There is so much corruption going on in the democRAT party that there needs to be an independent investigation of the party and every member of the leadership–Obama, Clinton, Pelosi, Schumer, Biden and the lying members of the Congress like Schiff, Nadler, etc.

Jane Jones
Jane Jones
2 years ago

Hopefully Liz & Hillary will be placed in same Jail.❤️

Trump U should have sent Hillary to prison when U had the chance
But save a spot for Pelosi