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Biden Admin BEGS The Court to Hide This ‘Secret Report’ on Dominion Voting Machines

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The Biden administration, apparently fearful of what the public might find out, has begged a judge to keep a “secret report” out of the public that reveals security flaws in Dominion Voting Systems technology.

J. Alex Halderman, director of the University of Michigan Center for Computer Security and Society, recently gave an unredacted copy of the confidential study to the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).

“Potential vulnerabilities in Dominion ImageCast X ballot marking devices,” or electronic voting machines, are revealed in the research. reports:

While CISA supports public disclosure of any vulnerabilities and associated mitigation measures with election equipment, allowing the release of the report at this point “increases the risk that malicious actors may be able to exploit any vulnerabilities and threaten election security,” government lawyers said in a Feb. 10 filing in the case.

The case was brought in 2017 by good-government groups and voters who say the lack of paper ballots undermines the voting process.

U.S. District Judge Amy Totenberg, an Obama nominee overseeing the case, was urged by CISA to reject attempts to release a redacted version of Halderman’s report for now.

CISA officials want to review the information in the report and help Dominion resolve the vulnerabilities identified before the report is released. They said they weren’t able to provide a date by which they’ll be finished.

Totenberg must weigh the request against the wishes of Georgia Secretary State Brad Raffensperger, a Republican and one of the defendants, who called in late January for the release to happen immediately.

John Poulos, Dominion’s CEO and president, said in a statement released by Raffensperger’s office that Halderman’s review lacked “a holistic approach,” adding that Dominion “supports all efforts to bring real facts and evidence forward to defend the integrity of our machines and the credibility of Georgia’s elections.”

Plaintiffs, including the Coalition for Good Governance, also support the release of the report, David Cross, one of their lawyers, confirmed to The Epoch Times.

The plaintiffs said in a filing before a copy was sent to CISA that the agency should get a copy and begin its evaluation process, but that the evaluation “should not unreasonably delay the public disclosure of the report, which must be promptly disclosed to Georgia state and county election officials, and filed on the public docket, so that public officials can secure the upcoming May primary elections.”

They asked Totenberg to order them to file a redacted version of the report on the docket, which would make it accessible to the public, no later than March 4.

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2 years ago

This whole song and dance will continue till enough of the American people put down the weed and start demanding to find the truth.

PJ London
PJ London
2 years ago

I am a computer programmer. The computer does what I tell it.
Any damn fool that trusts ANY computer with their vote is utterly ignorant.
Paper votes and dual count under scrutiny.
It may take two weeks or a month to verify all the votes, so what? The idiot who gets elected is there for 4 years, so what is the hurry?
In the UK or Russia anyone who suggested that voting should be done on a computer would be laughed at.

2 years ago

Yea, Bury it all you Corrupt Bastards! Democrats are Satans minions.

tom ambrosia
tom ambrosia
2 years ago

Wow if nothing to hide why redact anything. Time for another French Revolution here in USA. Frenchies f up they only too 25,000 heads, we need to take 20 million!

Macho Mann
Macho Mann
2 years ago

“Dominion “supports all efforts to bring real facts and evidence forward to defend the integrity of our machines and the credibility of Georgia’s elections.” ?????????????
Sure they do. That’s WHY they’re maneuvering to suppress the report. BURN Dominion to the ground and shoot EVERY employee for being complicit.

And BUCK Foe Jiden ? the usurper…

Howard Lewis
Howard Lewis
2 years ago

Britain’s Lord Mark Mallach Brown runs BOTH the Dominion vote fraud world wide AND the ‘COVID-19’ biowarfare world wide. Kill your telievision set. it is a lie from the moment you turn it on.

2 years ago

Their excuse is because someone can use this information to cheat the vote? How about they use this information to kick Dominion to the curb?

2 years ago

hey…we can’t have other people than the dems interfering with them ..we may negate each other ..lock it away

Kevin Null
Kevin Null
2 years ago

And this is news, How? We already know what happened in the election. It was stolen, and the people WE pay to keep the corruption out, refuse to do their jobs and are all, most likely, in on it. News flash for these idiots: You morons think you will all be Kings and Queens over the people, but you will be the first they eliminate. You just get to clear the path for them to take over. Once that is done, you are gone. Read your history books, not the crap they write today, the old history books. It’s all there.

2 years ago

And as long as they play with this case every dominion machine should be dumped in the river and not used for any more elections. Period. If this judge does what is illegal then she should be thrown in the river with the machines. Aren’t there any honest democrats in this country that aren’t bought and paid for by Obama?

Sallie Ann
Sallie Ann
2 years ago

I am sure that intelligent people already KNOW that Dominion voted for them….why would Biden Admin have to beg? The Dems know what they did and are still trying to hide the proof.

2 years ago

Change the word ‘begs” to ‘threatens’ and you got the truth.

2 years ago

maybe they should hide it in the closet where they keep all of the free crack pipes that they are going to hand out

2 years ago

A redacted report, is a report hiding guilt! Redaction, is active guilt!