

State Department Releases Damning Emails Revealing Hunter’s Dirty Business ‘Undercut’ US Efforts To Fight Corruption In Ukraine

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Biden’s seemingly corrupt, derelict son Hunter was harming US efforts to fight corruption in Ukraine but he was making money.

A recently declassified email out of the State Department stated that Hunter Biden’s business with Burisma “undercut” US efforts in Ukraine. Just the News reported about this new level of Biden corruption.

It has been hidden from the public for five years as Democrats insisted Hunter had no impact on US anti-corruption efforts in Ukraine.

This isn’t new but what is new is more proof which will be met with complete disinterest by the media.

Former embassy official George Kent, an impeachment witness against Donald Trump, sent an email obtained by Just the News on Nov. 22, 2016 to another impeachment witness, then-U.S. Ambassador to Kiev Marie Yovanovitch. It had the lowest level of classification at ‘confidential’ but was kept hidden.

It shows Hunter’s dealings did interfere with US efforts.

“The real issue to my mind was that someone in Washington needed to engage VP Biden quietly and say that his son Hunter’s presence on the Burisma board undercut the anti-corruption message the VP and we were advancing in Ukraine,” Kent wrote multiple high-ranking officials in the State Department in Washington.

There was intense pressure by Burisma advocates to rehab Burisma’s reputation at the time.

Kent even relayed to higher-ups that he had confirmed with Ukrainian prosecutors that Burisma officials had paid a $7 million “bribe” to make one of the cases against the company disappear. The bribe was allegedly paid at a time when Hunter Biden was serving on the Burisma board, a job that landed his firm more than $3 million from the Ukrainian energy company.

Kent explained to the officials in Washington that Burisma’s long reputation for alleged corruption and anecdotes like the bribe were one of the main reasons Hunter Biden’s affiliation with the company proved harmful to U.S. efforts to fight Ukrainian corruption.

“Ukrainians heard one message from us,” Kent wrote, “and then saw another set of behavior, with the [BIden] family association with a known corrupt figure whose company was known for not playing by the rules in the oil/gas sector.”

The email chain also showed that State officials were acutely aware that Hunter Biden had an affiliation with an American business partner also accused — and eventually convicted of — corruption.

“I should note that there were two American members of the Burisma board: Hunter Biden and Devon Archer,” another State official on the email chain wrote Kent and Andrews. “Archer was recently indicted in a federal fraud case.”



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