

CNN’s Brian Stelter To Be FIRED For Covering Up Zucker Scandal

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CNN is preparing to fire Brian Stelter for his abyssal performance following the dismissal of CNN president Jeff Zucker on Wednesday.

According to an insider at the far-left news network, Stelter was known as “Jeff Zucker’s water boy” and nobody at CNN believes he didn’t know about the Zucker affair:

A CNN “insider” is reportedly calling for the firing of the network’s left-wing media correspondent Brian Stelter for not exposing CNN president Jeff Zucker’s romantic relationship with another high-ranking colleague, something that’s been dubbed an “open secret” by critics.

Stelter, who has emerged as CNN’s lackey whenever the network was swept up in controversy, has been all over CNN’s airwaves on Wednesday to report on the sudden resignation of his boss, who admitted he failed to disclose a consensual relationship he had with another CNN executive.

However, a critic within CNN is now saying Stelter, too, should be on the chopping block and suggested no one should fall for his “stunned” reaction to the revelations.

“The network needs to step up and fire Brian Stelter,” the CNN insider told “He is allegedly our top media reporter – yet he failed to report on the scoop that everyone in the office knew. And if he wants to say he didn’t know, he is truly terrible at his job.”

The insider, described by as a “cable news veteran” insisted Stelter “should be calling his agent to start looking for another job.”

“He’s been Jeff Zucker’s water boy for years and no one believes he didn’t know about all of this,” the source told the outlet.

Stelter’s ratings have also been among the lowest in CNN’s history, so it’s no wonder they want him out.

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