

Australia Has BANNED Unvaxxed Parents From Visiting Their Dying Children In Hospital

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Parents in Western Australia who refuse to get jabbed will be banned from visiting their sick and dying children in hospital, with mainstream media outlets celebrating the new rules as a great way at forcing the unvaxxed into ‘changing their philosophy’.

As of this week, parents must have received at least two doses of the vaccine if they want to visit their sick children in hospitals. The only exception to this will be if the child is about to die and the hospital uses its discretion on ‘compassionate grounds.’ reports: Almost as odious as the rule itself was how this new level of inhumane tyranny was vehemently welcomed by a host and her two guests on the Sunrise television news show.

One male reporter called the rule “the ultimate test” for unvaccinated parents, asking, “Could that be the trigger to make you change your mind and I guess that’s the force at play here.”

“Would it make you change your philosophy? Maybe it would and maybe that’s what the government are banking on,” he added.

Journalist Susie O’Brien cracked a smile before announcing, “I’m all for this, this is not about the rights of parents, this is about the rights of the sick kids…to stay as safe as possible.”

Yes, because I’m sure children who are sick and alone in hospital will surely love exercising the “right” not to be able to see their own parents.

“If you are unvaccinated without a good reason, without a valid exemption, then you are gonna find your movements curtailed,” O’Brien smugly stated, adding that the government was right to “shock” and “challenge” people into “changing their philosophy, changing their action and get vaccinated.”

“People have had time, I mean really,” the news anchor sardonically stated as she ended the segment.

“The cruelty is the point,” remarked Mike Cernovich.

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