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WATCH: Canadian Dictator Trudeau Demands Freedom Convoy Leave Ottawa While Smearing Them As ‘Hateful Nazis Spreading Violent Misinformation’

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Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau doubled down his attacks on the Freedom Convoy from an undisclosed location on Monday, claiming the protestors are ‘hateful nazi’s’ who are spreading violent misinformation.

Speaking outside of his safe house in a televised address to the nation, Trudeau first lauded “freedom of expression” as a “cornerstone of democracy” before immediately slamming the peaceful Freedom Convoy movement as “violent”, “hateful”, and “racist.”

“Over the past few days, Canadians were shocked, and frankly disgusted by the behavior displayed by some people protesting in our nation’s capital,” Trudeau angrily claimed.

“There is no place in our country for threats, violence, or hatred. So to those responsible for this behavior, it needs to stop,” he warned. reports: Trudeau then thanked the “90 percent” of truckers who submitted to the COVID injection, adding, “the behavior on display this weekend does not represent you.”

“You are the story of this pandemic, not the convoy,” he added.

Trudeau then claimed that taking the injection and “trusting science” and obeying “health experts” is the only way to end the pandemic.

“The way out of this pandemic is getting vaccinated, it’s listening to public health advice, and the best way to get out of this pandemic…is to show we understand the importance of following science, facts, and health experts,” Trudeau said in French.

During a Q&A follow-up to his speech, one reporter questioned why Trudeau refuses to meet with the Freedom Convoy despite him joining BLM protests during COVID.

Trudeau responded that he doesn’t align with “hateful rhetoric, violence toward citizens, and disrespect of science.”

Though Trudeau repeatedly and dishonestly characterized the Freedom Convoy as Nazis and racists, citing lone agitators who were quickly exposed and expelled from the event, videos from the ground show the exact opposite of Trudeau’s characterization.

In this video, a masker is holding a sign saying “Fuck Ur White Nationalism” before a local appears and demolishes the fake media-generated “racist” and “nazi” narrative.

This video shows the convoy participants shaming and expelling an agitator waving a Confederate flag, contradicting Trudeau’s narrative that the convoy is comprised of Nazis and racists.

Plenty of videos on social show many non-white Canadians telling off Trudeau and praising the Freedom Convoy for resisting the COVID tyranny.

The Freedom Convoy reportedly has provisions to remain outside the Parliament for 2 to 4 years, with over $10 million crowdfunded for the convoy in just days.

Data from the Canadian province of Alberta from earlier this month showed “a huge increase in Covid infections and deaths in people following their first Covid vaccine dose,” as Alex Berenson noted.

The government simply censored it off their website after Berenson highlighted it.

There is no scientific or moral case for mandating these shots whatsoever.

Watch Trudeau’s full remarks:

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