

WATCH: California Has Gone NUTS —Woman Robs Rite Aid With Pickaxe While Customers Watch In Disbelief

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A woman in Los Angeles robbed a Rite Aid yesterday with a pickaxe over her shoulder as she put items into her buggy and told employees to leave her alone.


Here’s more on this bizarre robbery from the New York Post:

Shocking video captures a woman strolling casually into a Rite Aid in Los Angeles wielding a pickaxe and stealing merchandise while spewing a stream of obscenities.

The woman, dressed all in black, is seen walking in the Venice Beach store on Lincoln Boulevard about 3 p.m. on Wednesday with the garden tool slung over her right shoulder and pulling a shopping cart behind her.

Stunned customers watch as she helps herself to beauty products before she unleashes profanities at an employee who asks her to stop.

“I’m not f—- around,” the unidentified woman says. “I don’t want to smell like s— when I’m knocking these bitches out.”

She then adds before heading out: “Don’t say s—! Shut the f— up! Be quiet and follow suit.”

Police told Fox 11 that no one was hurt and that they are still searching for the brazen bandit.

The bizarre incident comes amid a spate of smash-and-grab robberies across California.

The brazenness of this woman speaks volumes about how she expects to be treated in her liberal city if she’s arrested. Maybe she doesn’t even think they’ll care since she didn’t steal high dollar items. Given the law California passed years ago making it only a misdemeanor for stealing items that cost less than $950, why should she? Her own mayor is also trying to end a ‘no-bail’ policy for some defendants in his city in order to address overcrowding or something.

The bottom line here is that liberal cities and states are responsible for these crime waves and until they get tough on criminals again, it’ll just keep getting worse.



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