

Former ‘Junior’ Female Colleague Made SEXUAL MISCONDUCT Allegation Against Cuomo Just DAYS Ago

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I mean who did not see this coming? Anyone? When we posted about Chris Cuomo’s firing last night, I wrote that “whatever new info they’ve turned up must be VERY juicy.” Lot of y’all figured it might be sexual harassment complaint against him. After all it was him trying to smear the woman accusing his brother that prompted his suspension.

Well looks awful like we were dead right. Because a former co-worker of his made an allegation to the network this week, though a famous employment lawyer.

The New York Post says:

A former co-worker of Chris Cuomo made a sexual misconduct allegation against the former CNN anchor, who was fired Saturday for misleading the cable network about the extent of the role he played trying to mitigate the sexual harassment accusations that took down his brother, former Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

A well known employment lawyer who represents the accuser contacted CNN Wednesday to tell them of the allegation, according to The New York Times.

The New York Times writes:

On Wednesday, Debra S. Katz, a prominent employment lawyer, informed CNN of a client with an allegation of sexual misconduct against Chris Cuomo. Ms. Katz said in a statement on Saturday that the allegation against the anchor, which was made by a former junior colleague at another network, was “unrelated to the Gov. Andrew Cuomo matter.”

It was not fully clear what role the allegation played in CNN’s decision to dismiss Mr. Cuomo. Ms. Katz is also the lawyer for Charlotte Bennett, a onetime aide to Andrew Cuomo who accused the former governor in February of sexual harassment.

“The woman who leveled the unknown accusations against Chris Cuomo, 51, was a former ‘junior colleague’ at another news network, according to Debra Katz, the accuser’s lawyer,” writes the Post.

Sound familiar yet?

The fall from power of the two Cuomo lechers is a positive development for everyone. It doesn’t change all the other terrible things about the media, and the fact that CNN fired Chris doesn’t go to their foot-dragging credit. But it’s a positive change, anyway.



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