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First EU Country To Imprison Unvaccinated Hit by Historic Uprising And Thousands Flood Streets

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Hundreds of thousands of protestors took to the streets of Austria’s capitol over the weekend, rising up against the ‘New World Order’ restrictions and mandates.

Streets were flooded with residents who oppose the Austrian government’s draconian new coronavirus policies.

Police reinforcements were brought in from other regions to the capital in anticipation of civil unrest, with a total of 27 anti-New World Order rallies planned for Saturday. reports: Minor clashes broke out between the demonstrators and police, resulting in several arrests. Police reported that anti-mandate protesters hurled flares at officers, and that pepper spray was deployed. Multiple protesters were also reportedly fined for not wearing face masks.

One popular slogan seen and heard during Saturday’s demonstrations equated mandatory vaccinations to “genocide” and the government to a “fascist dictatorship” for implementing the policy. The protesters decried the government’s push to make Covid vaccination mandatory for all citizens come February – a decision made on November 19 by former chancellor Alexander Schallenberg, who has since announced his resignation. His successor, Karl Nehammer, is expected to reaffirm the policy. In late November, then minister of interior Nehammer blamed “extremists” for fomenting anti-vaccination sentiment.

At least one counter-demonstration was held in central Vienna on Saturday. Some 1,500 left-wing activists turned out for the protest, marching under slogans such as: “Put on masks! Against Nazis, the state and capital!” while accusing the rival rally of being an assortment of right-wing extremists, anti-vaxxers and Covid-deniers.

A wave of similar demonstrations against the vaccination mandate have taken place across Austria in recent weeks. Some of the rallies drew tens of thousands of people.

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