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Parents Are TERRIFIED After Learning Arizona School Board Collected Info On Them Including Financial Data And SPY CAM Footage

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Some 650 parents are calling for Scottsdale school board president Jann-Michael Greenburg to resign, following discovery of his retaliation campaign and plans for parents who questioned him in any way. He denies involvement in the enemies list dossier, which includes private, financial, and legal info, spy camera footage, and photos of their children not taken by the parents.

“All parents in our district or you know hundreds of them and we’re terrified of this person having access to our information, said district mom Amanda Wray. “My eight and 10-year-old daughters’ photos were found in Jan Miko Greenberg’s dossier.”

Fox News reports this weekend on the frightening but telling situation which, if Virginia Democrats had their way, would be reproduced all across the country.

The president, or possibly his father, appears to have kept a dossier on 47 parents who dared to speak out against his policies at school board meetings — a dossier complete with Social Security numbers, background checks, a divorce paper, mortgage documents, trade certifications, and screenshots of Facebook posts.

“I’d call this retaliation,” Amy Carney, a mother of six and candidate for the Scottsdale Unified School District (SUSD) governing board, told Fox News on Thursday. She said “the list of parents targeted in the drive appears to be anyone who has spoken out about anything against our district publicly or online.”

Watch this clip from Rumble of one parent talking to Fox about it:

The covid tyrants are going to be BIG fans of this guy:

The dossier includes 18 folders marked CAN-Network, a reference to the Community Advocacy Network, a group of parents that formed last year advocating for in-person learning and against mask mandates. It refers to parents as “wackos.”

The dossier also includes videos showing a man taking photographs of parents and children in the hours before a school board meeting. “Somewhere around here we have a private investigator who’s writing down all of their plates,” the man says in the video. “They don’t know it’s me … I covered up my license plate.”

This is what they are all thinking and wishing to do. These are just the guys who acted on it.



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