

Austrian Brothel Is Offering Free Sex If You Get Vaccinated

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A brothel in Austria is providing COVID-19 vaccinations and offering free vouchers to anyone over 18 who agrees to get the jab.

Visitors to the Vienna brothel ‘Fun Palast’ are being offered a free 30-minute session in a “sauna club” with the “lady of their choice” in exchange for the COVID shot.

The brothel hopes to increase both vaccination rates and client numbers which have dropped because of the pandemic

Sky News reports: The brothel is encouraging men and women to visit for vaccinations this month.

“Due to the pandemic, we have registered a 50% decrease [in clients], with this initiative we hope that the number of customers will rise again,” Mail Online quotes the Fun Palast as saying.

A man named Gerhard who visited the brothel said: “I would have gotten vaccinated anyway but the 2G rule has certainly accelerated things a little.

“And since an acquaintance of mine organized this action I thought ‘Lets go for it’.

“I think this is perfectly ok because we can achieve a better immunization rate this way and that’s necessary to end the pandemic at some point.”

Peter Laskaris, manager of Fun Palast, told Reuters: “Basically, I was looking at the statistics and I read that we need like 70/75% for us to reach herd immunity, but we’re currently only at 63%.

“And then I noticed in the statistics that very many men, very many men with a migration background, virtually refuse vaccination or don’t even know that you can be vaccinated.

“And since we are actually reaching this target group, we decided to set up a vaccination [clinic] here.”

One of the women who works at Fun Palast, who gave her name as Mina, said: “Well, I think it’s a very good idea to have a vaccination street in the Fun Palast, because the name fun palace suggest to have a bit of fun here and return back to normality a bit more.

“And I also think it’s a great idea that this is being offered for women, children and of course men.”

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