

Extinction Rebellion Founder Says If You Don’t Help Stop Climate Change Your Mom Will Be Gang Raped

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Extinction Rebellion co-founder Roger Hallam has warned that if climate change isn’t stopped soon, moms across the world will be gang raped by men.

In a bizarre 2019 pamphlet, the far-left eco-extremist wrote that climate change would result in a situation where “a gang of boys will break into your house demanding food”, after which they “will see your mother, your sister, your girlfriend and they will gang rape her on the kitchen table.”

“They will force you to watch, laughing at you. At the end they will accuse you of enjoying it,” Hallam warned. reports: No stranger to dangerous and often unlawful direct action and demonstrations, Extinction Rebellion decided that its co-founder was too extreme even for them in 2020, after comments minimizing the Holocaust created a stir in first the German and the British press.

Hallam said that the genocide was “just another fuckery in human history” and that “the climate crisis” should evoke the same “terrible emotion” as Auschwitz.

He also gave a speech that appeared to hint at deadly action as a means of achieving change on climate policy, warning that Extinction Rebellion activists “are not just sending out emails and asking for donations. We are going to force the governments to act, and if they don’t, we’ll bring them down and create a democracy fit for purpose. And yes — some may die in the process.”

Extinction Rebellion Germany moved to create space between itself and Hallam before its British counterpart, insisting that it “distances itself from Roger Hallam’s belittling and relativizing remarks on the Holocaust” and that he was “not a spokesman for XR Germany”.

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