

Joe Biden’s Approval Rating Is Now TANKING Even In BLUE States

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So far, Joe Biden’s presidency has been distinguished by one tragedy after another, interspersed with hundreds of “senior moments” to instill some confidence. These disasters, however, have occurred because of him, rather than as a result of him.

After a while, even sophisticated propaganda like photoshopped t-shirts and partisan blinders can’t keep the truth from ordinary people. Inflation is something they notice. Totalitarianism is what they see. They notice it in their communities and at their workplaces. They don’t need CNN, Fox, OAN, or MSNBC to tell them what they already know: the president is a failed, flailing mess.

Even in blue and purple states, it’s starting to set in, and it’s starting to show up in polls.

A majority of Virginia voters are displeased with Biden’s performance in office, with 46 percent approving and 51 percent disapproving. Three percent have no opinion.

The exact question in that WaPo poll was “Do you approve or disapprove of the way Joe Biden is handling his job as president? Do you approve/disapprove strongly or somewhat?” Check out the numbers:

Look at the averages from RCP. He’s overall underwater, and under in almost every single poll individually.

People know when someone is failing them.



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