

London’s High Court Vows Pedophile Prince Andrew Will Face Charges: “No One Is Above the Law”

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The High Court in London has vowed to force Prince Andrew to testify in a child sex case involving him and other international leaders.

In a bombshell ruling on Wednesday, the High Court said it would  “take [the] steps” necessary to ensure Prince Andrew receives papers related to a US child sex trafficking lawsuit, so that the case can proceed.

One of Jeffrey Epstein’s juvenile victims has accused the Duke of rape two decades ago. The victim, Virginia Giuffre, claims she was raped by Prince Andrew on many occasions when she was a teenager.

“The lawyers acting for Ms Giuffre have now provided further information to the High Court, and the High Court has accepted the request for service under the Hague Service Convention,” the London court’s spokesperson said in a statement.

“The legal process has not yet been served but the High Court will now take steps to serve under the Convention unless service is arranged by agreement between the parties.” reported that Giuffre’s legal team applauded the court decision after attempting to serve the papers on the prince last week by leaving them with an on-duty police officer stationed at the Duke’s house in southern England.

“The ruling by the High Court signals its agreement that the requirements for service have been satisfied,” Giuffre’s lawyer, Sigrid McCawley, said in a statement. “Importantly, by directing service, the High Court is putting its own independent, undisputable legal muscle to work in serving Prince Andrew.”

The duke has consistently denied ever having any sexual relationship with Giuffre. Moreover, he flatly rejected even knowing her, telling the BBC back in 2019 that he had “no recollection” of ever meeting her. Despite his remarks, one photograph from 2001 shows him posing with his arm around Giuffre’s waist.

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