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Brian Stelter Posts Sickening, Narcissistic Tweet To ‘Commemorate’ 9/11

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On the 20th anniversary of the worst terrorist attack in American history, CNN’s biggest narcissist, Brian Stelter, took the opportunity to praise the biggest hero following the attack… himself.

In a tweet linking to an AP article fawning over the bravery of their own profession and the importance of their branch of the Liberal Church, Stelter chose the most hideously cringe quote to include in his tweet as a gross overture to himself and his job.

The whole article is just absurd, but the quote, which is from a book that I can only assume is equally absurd, goes above and beyond. Which is of course exactly why the drama queen loves it so.

Even on the 20th anniversary of 9/11, Stelter can’t take 10 minutes to not think about himself.

But even in mocking the crass stupidity, don’t forget the serious context.

Exactly right.

Journalism used to be a thing in America, that’s true. Used to be. It is long gone, and we’re left with bad jokes like this one.



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