

Violent Group Of Thugs Instantly Regret Attacking Florida Woman After She Practiced Her 2nd Amendment Rights

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A gang of thugs learned a valuable lesson in the U.S. Constitution this week when they attempted to assault a lone woman in her car this week. the woman turned out to be a Second Amendment supporter, and the attackers were left scarred for life.

The incident occurred at the intersection of Oak Avenue and South Pine Street in Sebring, Florida, on Tuesday afternoon.

A woman was sitting in a car in a parking lot when a group of four males approached her, according to police.

One of the men pointed a gun at the woman and ordered her to get out of the vehicle.

Police said the thugs then ordered her to hand over her purse and phone at gunpoint.

Meanwhile, other members of the gang climbed into the car.

One of the men entered her vehicle through the front passenger door and began rummaging through her personal property as she sat there.

The men then demanded she hand over her keys, phone, and wallet.

Fortunately, the woman had prepared for such an attack by exercising her God-given constitutional rights as a U.S. citizen – she grabbed her gun. reports: Now up against a little bit more than they bargained for, a struggle commenced between the woman, the armed male, and the male inside her vehicle, police said.

Police said the woman initially was able to fight off both suspects, and then as the armed male went back after her, she fired one shot from her gun.

Apparently realizing they had pressing business elsewhere, the entire crew hightailed it and fled the area, police said, adding that the shot didn’t hit any of the suspects.

Anything else?

Police said all the suspects were wearing hoodies and masks, and a deployed K-9 wasn’t able to locate them.

Cops added that in the same time frame as the incident involving the woman sitting in her vehicle, there were reports of vehicle burglaries on Hickory Street and Eucalyptus Street.

How did others react to the news?

Folks perusing the Facebook page of the Sebring Police Department were happy to hear that the woman used her gun to protect herself:

  • “Fantastic she had firearm, was able to get round off,” one commenter wrote. “Thank God she survived! Hopefully this gang of violent criminals will be found, brought to justice.”
  • “Glad to hear the female victim is OK. But too bad the wanna be thugs didn’t get shot; lucky for them,” another commenter said. “Hopefully next time they attempt it they will need body bags.”
  • “Glad she was unharmed,” another commenter noted. “Women are at a higher risk when they enter their car and do not immediately lock the doors. Many times they are looking at to-do lists or receipts or making calls [and] texts. We must lock the doors upon entering. And carry a weapon; get your [concealed carry] permit.”

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