

Murder Rate Hits Record High In Minneapolis In Wake of George Floyd Riots

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Minnesota, where George Floyd was killed last May, set a state record for murders in 2020 after officials from across the state called for the defunding of police departments, according to new data.

Last year, 185 people were killed in Minnesota, a 58% increase from 2019. The previous record of 183 homicides, set in 1995, caused Minneapolis to be dubbed “Murderapolis.”

The majority of the murders occurred in St. Paul and Minneapolis, two cities that also saw a significant decrease in the number of active police officers.

The Twin Cities were additionally at the heart of the nationwide “Defund the Police” movement. Initially, a majority of Minneapolis city council members pledged to fully abolish the city’s police department, but later relented after procedural challenges, deciding instead to simply cut $8 million from the department’s budget, according to The Star Tribune.

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