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BREAKING: New York AG Rules Governor Cuomo Violated Federal And State Law, Sexually Harassed Multiple Women

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New York’s hack AG Letitia James announced a few minutes ago that Governor Cuomo did sexually harass multiple women:

The full 168 page report is here if you want to read it. But for the sake of brevity, here’s just one example from the first couple of pages where Cuomo got stopped by a state trooper, had her hired onto his protective detail even though she didn’t qualify, and then sexually harassed her multiple times:

Trooper #1. In early November 2017, the Governor briefly met a New York State Trooper (“Trooper #1”), a woman, at an event on the Robert F. Kennedy Bridge (the “RFK Bridge,” also known as the Triborough Bridge). After meeting Trooper #1, he spoke with a senior member of his protective detail (“Senior Investigator #1”) about seeking to have Trooper #1 join the Protective Services Unit (“PSU”), the unit of the
New York State Police that is in charge of protecting the Governor and works in close vicinity of the Governor. Trooper #1 was then hired into the PSU, despite not meeting the requirement to have at least three years of State Police service to join the PSU. In an email to Trooper #1 shortly after the RFK Bridge event, Senior Investigator #1 noted, attaching a vacancy notice with a two-year service requirement (as opposed to three years), “Ha ha they changed the minimum from 3 years to 2. Just for you.”

After Trooper #1 joined the PSU, the Governor sexually harassed her on a number of occasions, including by: (1) running his hand across her stomach, from her belly button to her right hip, while she held a door open for him at an event; (2) running his finger down her back, from the top of her neck down her spine to the middle of her back, saying “hey, you, while she was standing in front of him in an elevator; (3) kissing her (and only her) on the cheek in front of another Trooper and asking to kiss her on another occasion, which she deflected; and (4) making sexually suggestive and gender-based comments, including (a) asking her to help him find a girlfriend and describing his criteria for a girlfriend as someone who “[c]an handle pain,” (b) asking her why she wanted to get married when marriage means “your sex drive goes down,”
and (c) asking her why she did not wear a dress. Trooper #1 found these interactions with the Governor not only offensive and uncomfortable, but markedly different from the way the Governor interacted with members of the PSU who were men, and she conveyed these incidents contemporaneously to colleagues.

Several other PSU Troopers corroborated Trooper #1’s allegations, including some who had personally witnessed some of the touching and comments as well as the gender-based difference in the way the Governor treated Troopers.

This from the man who has claimed to be innocent throughout this investigation and, as you recall, also went after Kavanaugh a few years ago while he himself was sexually harassing women.

The report details at least ten other women Cuomo sexually harassed within the first few pages, so check out the report for more.

Oh and let’s not forget that his CNN brother advised him to be defiant in the face of all of this:

CNN’s Chris Cuomo told his GOV brother to be DEFIANT in face of ‘cancel culture’ and not resign over sexual harassment scandal



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