

America Hates Kamala Harris — Declared Most Unpopular Vice President In US HISTORY

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New polls reveal that Kamala Harris is the most unpopular Vice President in US history, putting the Democrats’ plan to install her as President in jeopardy.

People aged 18-29, the group that the far-left loves to exploit, only gave Harris a 36 percent approval rating, with 41 percent disapproving, according to sources.

Per the Telegraph:

Alarmed Democrat strategists are grappling with the Vice President’s floundering poll numbers which show she is now “underwater,” meaning more Americans disapprove, than approve, of her job performance.

The White House intends to deploy her only in certain areas to campaign ahead of next year’s midterm Congressional elections, and will attempt to raise her profile by sending her on foreign trips in the coming months.

The disappointing first months of her term have also worried long-term strategists, many of whom had hoped she would run for president as early as the next elections.

Two recent polls both showed 46 per cent of Americans approved of Ms Harris, with 47 per cent and 48 per cent disapproving.

One of the most concerning elements for the White House is Ms Harris’s unpopularity among young people.

An Economist/YouGov poll found 41 per cent of voters aged 18-29 had an “unfavourable” view of Ms Harris, with only 36 per cent viewing her “favourably.” Ms Harris is also struggling with Hispanic voters, possibly due to her role leading US border policy.

Of the 48 per cent in the Economist/YouGov poll who viewed the vice president “unfavourably,” the vast majority [40 per cent] said they did so “very unfavourably.” Ms Harris has alienated some Hispanic voters by telling people from Central America “Do not come” to the US, while also infuriating conservatives and some independents by taking many weeks to physically visit the border.

A faltering performance in a high-profile TV interview with NBC in June left White House aides scrambling, and there have been numerous reports of dysfunction in her office.

According to Gallup 42.1 per cent approved of Mr Pence’s performance at that point, and 41.9 percent disapproved.

The previous vice president – Mr Biden – had an approval rating above 50 per cent after six months. Before that Dick Cheney, and Al Gore, were in the 60s at the same stage.

Even Dan Quayle, the much-mocked vice president of George H.W. Bush, was nowhere not underwater [sic] after six months.

He had an approval rating of 43 per cent, and disapproval of just 22 per cent, with 34 per cent undecided. reports: It appears as though Kamala telling Hispanics “do not come here” is one of her key gaffs:

Any guesses on what the democrats’ Plan C is?

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