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WATCH: Peter Doocy Asked A Brilliant Question That Caught Jen Psaki Off Guard — Are Texas Democrats Are a COVID ‘Super-Spreader’?

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Peter Doocy asked Jen Psaki today if the Texas Democrats, who fled their state to block Republicans from passing election laws, are a COVID super-spreader group:

Of course Psaki says that’s not the characterization the White House would give the group, but you know that’s bunk, because they’d absolutely be saying this about Republicans if they’d done the same thing to block Democrats and started coming down with COVID.

Speaking of Texas Democrats being a super-spreader, Psaki also confirmed that there has been a ‘breakthrough’ case of COVID in the White House (off campus) from someone who met with these Texas Democrats.

Here’s a bit more:

As one person asked, why does it matter if just a ‘commissioned officer’ who contracts COVID?

In any event, it looks like these Texas Democrats are clearly making their mark on DC. Just not the mark they had planned on making, LOL.



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