
WATCH: Pro-Cuban Freedom Protesters March On Communist-Loving Biden’s White House

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Protesters in Cuba and Florida will now be joined with protesters in D.C. marching on the White House currently occupied by the pro-Russia yay-Communism administration.

Not fooled by Biden’s pretense at rejecting communism abroad while steadily instituting it domestically, the marchers know that Democrats must be pressured relentlessly to support anyone’s freedom, and especially those languishing under the iron fist of the exact kind of regime every Democrat wants for America.

Here’s more from Breitbart:

A group of protesters urging American action to protect the lives of thousands of Cubans who began protesting peacefully against the regime this week across the island told Breitbart News on Thursday that the communist regime has launched a “civil war” and “genocide” against those seeking freedom.

While Cuba has seen a growing number of peaceful assemblies against the ruling Castro regime in the past decade, the scale of the protests that began on Sunday – spanning over 60 municipalities from one tip of the island to the other – is a dramatic escalation from what the country has experienced in recent memory. The scale of the repression on the part of the regime has also grown. President Miguel Díaz-Canel, the figurehead of the ruling Castro dynasty, issued an “order of combat” on Sunday demanding that civilian “revolutionaries” take the streets and violently assault anyone suspected of protesting against the regime. The regime shut down most access to the internet, but videos smuggled out of the country later this week show buses full of armed civilians driving into some of the cities with the largest presence of dissidents, apparently on orders to attack protesters.

Members of the Cuban exile community organized a protest in front of the White House on Thursday both to demand that President Joe Biden act to save lives in the country and to raise awareness for the scope of the violence their brethren in the country are facing at the hands of their state. The protesters were adamant that reports in left-wing establishment media outlets attributing the protests to a rise in Chinese coronavirus cases were deliberately obscuring the true demands of those taking the streets.

Here’s a good report.

The protests already taking place in D.C. are just the precursor.

Tomorrow is the big one.

That reads: “Cuban exiles depart from #Miami to a protest this Saturday at the embassy of #Cuba in Washington and at 5 pm in front of the White House.”

As Cubans yearn for liberty and freedom, and the enemy communist dictatorship occupying the halls of power just miles from our shore facing the most genuine threat from within since Castro first ascended, it’s history unfolding.

Let’s see how the world’s oldest clown handles the moment.



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