

WATCH: Former Trump Legal Advisor Jenna Ellis Announces She’s Leaving The Republican Party — Here’s Her Reason

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Jenna Ellis, who fought to expose the fraud and corruption in the last election, announced last night that she is leaving the Republican Party after the RNC denied that their own chief counsel tried to dissuade officials from supporting Trump’s election challenges and who also suggested that both she and Giuliani were misleading millions of people with their election challenges.

Here’s more from DC Examiner:

Jenna Ellis, a senior legal adviser to former President Donald Trump’s 2020 campaign, said on Monday she is leaving the Republican Party in protest following the disclosure of an email from a top Republican National Committee lawyer criticizing her efforts in challenging the results of the November contest.

Ellis made the announcement on Real America’s Voice and called on RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel and other members to “resign now” to create a clean slate, adding she would not return until they do.

She also questioned what happened to the “millions raised” by the RNC in November and December of last year when the election challenges were playing out, saying, “the Trump team never saw a dime of that help.”

“I am leaving the Republican Party until the Republican Party comes back home to conservatives,” she said during an follow-up appearance on Newsmax, on which she is a contributor.

A November email reported by the Washington Post showed Justin Riemer, chief counsel for the RNC, discouraging a staffer from posting about ballot fraud claims made by Trump’s team. He called the legal endeavor led by Rudy Giuliani and Ellis “a joke” that was misleading millions of people.

There’s more to this backstory and Business Insider explains what transpired in November when Riemer’s email was fowarded to Ellis, who happened to be eating dinner with Giuliani and Bernie Kerik:

Last November, Trump campaign lawyer Jenna Ellis received an email that forwarded a note from Republican National Committee (RNC) chief counsel Justin Riemer, with the GOP official questioning the former president’s election claims, according to a forthcoming book by Michael Wolff.

In the note, Riemer reportedly wrote to his RNC colleagues asking why they were backing Trump’s unfounded claims of election fraud, while also expressing that the organization raised more cash battling Democrats than challenging election results.

Ellis, who was having dinner with Rudy Giuliani and former New York City police commissioner Bernie Kerik, passed her phone around for everyone to view the message, which reportedly left them “stunned.”

According to the assembled group, it was just one more example of Trump having to fight the GOP establishment, which Wolff details in “Landslide: The Final Days of the Trump Presidency,” an early copy of which was obtained by Insider.

Giuliani, who was Trump’s personal lawyer at the time, was incensed by Riemer’s email, according to the book.

“Can you f–king believe this,” he said. “They are backdooring us … doing everything in their power not to help us.”

Kerik reportedly said that the note was akin to saying “f— Trump” and “f— Giuliani.”

Wolff goes on to describe how Giuliani angrily called Riemer and threatened his job at the RNC.

“The mayor, sitting in the restaurant but in full battle mode (and with a few drinks in him), damn well got Riemer himself on the phone: ‘Who the f— do you you think you are? How can you be going against the president? … You need to resign and resign tonight … because you are going to get fired,’” the book said.

Giuliani then reportedly called RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel to ensure that the personnel change was carried out.

As BI goes on to note, the RNC denied this ever happened, claiming “this story is simply false” and argued that “the RNC legal team fought tooth and nail on election integrity efforts for the entirety of 2020, and that continues today.”

But Ellis says the account by Wolff is true and threw out a challenge to Rona McDaniel on Twitter about it, saying she’s got the receipts to prove it’s true:

McDaniel responded by blocking Ellis’ Twitter account:

Wow. As Ellis points out in her interview above, it’s these lies by the RNC, claiming to support Trump while trying to undermine him, that is what pushed her to make this announcement about leaving the party. And honestly, I can’t blame her.



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