

BREAKING: Texas Votes To ARREST Coward Democratic Legislators Who Fled State To Avoid Vote On Election Reform Bill

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The state of Texas is following through on its promise to jail or detain Democratic members of the legislature who fled votes on vital state business when they return.

The Texas House voted 76-4 to arrest members of the state legislature who had fled the state in order to prevent a vote on election reform proposals from taking place. Watch:

It was previously reported that the measure might not even be necessary because a quorum in the Texas Legislature could be met without it.

A Texas senate staffer informed a New York Times reporter that even without the Texas Democrats, there might be a quorum.

“Just in: A Texas senate aide tells me that a number of Texas Democratic senators have also left for Washington, but not enough to break a quorum in the senate,” the Times reporter tweeted. “A Republican Texas senate aide says that a quorum is expected and that they will likely take up SB1 today.”

You read that right: The bills could be passed today anyway.

So, while the Democrats were out taking selfies after their highly publicized rides on private jets and luxury buses, it turns out they may not be needed at all, after all.

Earlier, Texas Governor Greg Abbott said that the “flee-a-bustering” members of the Texas Legislature can actually be arrested upon their return if they are needed for a vote.

“As soon as they come back in the state of Texas, they will be arrested, they will be cabined inside the Texas Capitol until they get their job done,” Abbott said. It looks like that may not be necessary.

Texas Governor Abbott did make it clear on “The Ingraham Angle” that what the Democrats did violated the Texas Constitution’s rules on the legislature.

“What the law is, it’s in the Constitution, and that is the House, the State House of Representatives, who are here in the capitol in Austin right now,” Abbott said, “they do have the ability to issue a call for their fellow members who are not showing up to be arrested, but only so long as that arrest is made in the State of Texas. That is why they have fled the state.”

“Once they step back into the state they will be arrested and brought back to the Capitol and we will be conducting business,” he added.

It looks like at least some Texans are indeed men of their word.

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