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Biden’s Director of National Intelligence Office BUSTED Using FAKE Image To Show How ‘Diverse’ Their Office Is

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The Democrats are so obsessed with ‘diversity’ that they will go to great lengths to show their loyalty to intersectionality, even if they have to fake it.

The ODNI (Office of the Director of National Intelligence) has just gotten caught using a Photoshopped image of a diverse office staff on the cover of one of their annual reports.

Below is the original tweet from them:

Luke Thompson found the original photo on Shutterstock, named “Portrait Of Multi-Cultural Office Staff Standing In Lobby”.

But notice the two photos. There’s something different right? Apparently they felt the photo wasn’t diverse enough, so they photoshopped a blind guy with a dog and a lady in a wheelchair into the photo. And did a sloppy job of it:

And to boot, they also released this statement about the so-called diversity in their office:

They actually claim the office is diverse and yet had to use a fake photo to demonstrate their diversity because, obviously, it’s all lies and they are not diverse at all. Wow.

If bad photoshops of ‘diversity’ is what our intelligence offices are focused on, just like our different military groups are focused heavily on diversity in recruitment, then we might as well surrender now to both China and Russia because I’m sure they are laughing their butts off at us.



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