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WATCH: Hispanic-Americans Greet Kamala At Border… Shouting “Viva Trump!”

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Kamala Harris didn’t quite get the warm welcome from the Hispanic community that she expected during her visit (which actually wasn’t a real visit) to the border today.

In 2020, the Democrats spent a fortune courting the Hispanic vote. What’s the end result? They were a complete failure.

One of the biggest takeaways from the Texas 2020 election was that none other than Donald J. Trump had boosted his Hispanic voter turnout, particularly in strongly Hispanic and Democratic border areas.

In a post-election statement released Wednesday, the Texas GOP noted this phenomenon:

Texans turned out in unprecedented numbers – over 6 million — to support President Trump and Republicans across the state, from the Rio Grande Valley to the Panhandle. Despite spending tens of millions of dollars from outside the state, national Democrats were unable to sway the outcome.

As the missing border czar arrived in Texas today to “assess” the problem on our border, she was greeted by a huge throng of primarily Hispanic Trump supporters who yelled at her as they drove by. They cried, “Viva Trump!” and demanded answers about the staggering number of people who had died as a result of their cruel political game, which was aimed to lure new Democrat votes into America from other nations. “How many more?” they demanded.

Another video shows Kamala’s entourage being greeted by angry residents:

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