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Chuck Schumer EXPOSED In Dark-Money Campaign To Suppress Republican Voters

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All this talk of voter suppression from Stacey Abrams, who has yet to find any, and the first concrete case comes from a DEMOCRAT group. And it’s DARK MONEY, just like the Democrats accuse Republicans of doing all the time. AND it has something to do with Chuck Schumer, their leader!

Well well well.

The most impressive part is they were exposed by Axios. And guess what they were up to besides trying to suppress GOP voters?

A dark-money group aligned with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer helped pay for deceptive ads aimed at depressing Republican general election turnout in 2018, newly released records show.

Why it matters: These contests were decided more than two years ago, but the details show how partisan operatives exploited gaps in campaign finance laws to attack their rivals while obscuring their true motives — tactics both sides may adopt in next year’s pivotal midterms.

Republicans Josh Hawley and Mike Braun, now U.S. senators, were among those targeted. So were then-Sen. Dean Heller and now-Rep. Matt Rosendale, who lost their races.

More from The Blaze:

Facebook users were told that Hawley, for example, “sides with Washington liberals against gun owners” and was a “pro-government gun control, career politician.”

Another ad that ran in Indiana accused Braun of wanting to raise taxes.

Some of the ads that CSSA ran encouraged conservatives to support independent or Libertarian Party candidates. These ads were timed to coincide with the general election, not Republican primaries, showing how Democrats wanted to depress voter turnout for Republican candidates to win Senate races.

Hypocrisy is the number one job requirement for Democrat politicians.



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