

WATCH: Heart Wrenching Video Of Border Patrol Saving Young Boy Left Crying In Middle Of Dessert By Migrant Group

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This is the crisis President Biden refuses to acknowledge.

ABC World News Tonight aired this video of a young child at the border begging for help from the border patrol agents who found him:

The report says they found the kid just wondering around by himself in the desert near the border, crying and asking if they could help him. He told the agents that he was scared that he could be robbed or kidnapped.

He wasn’t traveling with this parents, but rather he was traveling with a group of migrants that abandoned him. Luckily, he was found by our unsung heroes at the border and taken into custody.

But as Curtis points out in the tweet, this is what Biden has done to the border. This is all his fault. He’s fueled this surge in a big way by his reckless rhetoric during the campaign and his irresponsible policies, undoing what Trump had put in place to keep these surges from happening again.

I’d like to think that after this heartbreaking segment that ABC talked about Biden causing this, but you know they didn’t. Do we really even have to check? If this were Trump this little boy’s face would be all over the media with pundits decrying Trump’s horrific policies. But Biden gets a fanboi pass from his propaganda media. Despicable.

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