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WATCH: Disgusting Oregon Governor Defends Antifa Terrorist Who Killed Trump Supporter Then Vows To ‘Eradicate’ Trump ‘Forces’

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During one of the most disgusting interviews in recent memory Oregon Democrat Gov. Kate Brown went on a bizarre and rambling tangent where she supported Antifa rioters who ravaged Portland for several months straight last year.

In the interview with Democracy Now, a left-leaning podcast, Brown concentrated the blame on Trump, vowed to use local law enforcement to “eradicate” Trump “forces,” and then seemingly sympathizes with Michael Reinoehl, the ANTIFA terrorist who killed a Trump supporter in downtown Portland who later died in a shootout with the feds.

“Shame on Donald Trump,” she said when asked about Trump warning rioters that they would face consequences for damaging the Federal courthouse and other buildings last summer.

Brown said: “The actions of the Trump administration were abysmal, and absolutely abhorrent in this state and we worked with our local law enforcement to eradicate these forces from our state. We want to make sure that Oregonians can continually [sic] to peacefully protest to uphold those voices that ask for change and we will continue to support those efforts, uhmm, to eradicate racism from our institutions, from our structures, and from our systems.”

The host then asks Gov. Brown about Reinoehl, who was killed while shooting at U.S. Marshals trying to apprehend him.

“And do you condemn that death squad style assassination of this man, and have you called for an investigation?” the host asked.

Not only does Gov. Brown not push back at the idea that Reinoehl’s killing was a “death squad style assassination”, but she actually defends him and vows to hold federal officials accountable.

“Look, what happened last summer was abhorrent. We are continuing to work to hold federal officials accountable,” Brown responds. “I expect you will see changes in leadership of local federal officials here in the state of Oregon that is appropriate and we are glad to be rid of Donald Trump’s corruption, chaos, and, frankly, incompetent government.”


It is quite amazing that these institutions and systems that Brown claims are rife with racism have been run by Brown and her liberal allies for decades.

Portland and the entire state of Oregon have been liberal for decades without much Republican leadership anywhere at all.

The degree to which radicalized Democrats no longer respect the nation’s institutions is evident in how party leaders have refused to denounce those who have embraced the practice of intimidation.

Cities have burned, innocent people have been assaulted, and lawmakers’ families have been targeted by “activist” bullies without a peep from prominent Democrats.

It’s almost as if Antifa has been allowed to grow, spread, and carry out their violence for political purposes.

GOP Rep. Lauren Boebert is pushing to designate Antifa as a terrorist organization.

Boebert has introduced a resolution to designate Antifa as a terrorist organization.

If passed, the resolution would designate Antifa as a domestic terrorist organization, condemn all violence committed by the organization and its members, and require the federal government “to combat the spread of all forms of domestic terrorism.”

“Antifa, and the Democrats who support it, are enemies of the American people,” Boebert said in a news release.

“Even the Obama administration classified Antifa efforts as ‘domestic terrorist violence,’” Boebert said in a March 27 tweet. “Now the Biden administration is pretending that Antifa is a myth. It’s time to hold Antifa accountable.”

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