

Newest Poll Shows Majority Of Americans Don’t Think Biden Mentally Or Physically Fit For Presidency

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It doesn’t take much for the nation’s voters to become concerned that President Biden, the oldest new chief executive at 78 years old, might not be up for the job.

The latest proof: His resistance to holding a full-blown press conference now 49 days into his presidency has half the country worried.

A new poll shows that 50 percent of Americans are not confident that “Joe Biden is physically and mentally up to the job of being president of the United States.”

The findings come from a March 9th, 2021 Rasmussen report which links the astoundingly low confidence in President Biden to his lack of transparency with the media.

52 percent of likely voters are concerned that he hasn’t held a press conference, including 32 percent who are “very concerned,” the poll also finds.

“More than six weeks since his inauguration, President Biden still hasn’t held his first White House press conference, and half of voters are worried about his ability to do the job,” Rasmussen summarizes.

The split decision on Biden so far comes as the White House has also been silent on the president giving a State of the Union address. Proponents are shocked he hasn’t made his way to Capitol Hill to declare the opening of the new Biden era and share his plans.

But the results shouldn’t be surprising considering preelection polling that showed many voters were concerned that Biden would resign before the end of his first term.

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