

Twitter And NYT Scramble To Change Rules That Got Others Cancelled To Protect Beloved 1619 Author After She DOXXED A Reporter And Used N-Word

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You know how that old saying goes; “If Liberals didn’t have double standards, they would have no standards at all.”

Well, Twitter and The New York Times are showing their complete and utter bias but failing to enforce their own rules against their beloved 1619 Project author.

So, here’s the backstory:

Washington Free Beacon reporter, Aaron Sibarium, was reporting on the inner turmoil within the New York Times after the ouster of a popular science writer, Donald McNeil Jr.

You see, McNeil committed the unforgivable sin of using The Word That Must Never Be Used (unless it’s being “reclaimed” by adjusting the pronunciation and that is only permissible by one particular racial group) in a discussion with high school students while acting as a guide on an expensive trip to Peru.

From the Washington Free Beacon (Emphasis added):

McNeil’s ouster came nearly two years after the incident that precipitated it. While chaperoning high school students on a pricey trip to Peru, the science reporter responded to a question from a student about whether one of her classmates should have been suspended for using the n-word. In the process, he uttered the offending syllables himself. An internal Times investigation found his judgment wanting but stopped short of firing him.

Only after the Daily Beast published an account of the incident, thrusting it into the public realm for the first time, was McNeil pushed out. “We do not tolerate racist language regardless of intent,” Dean Baquet, the paper’s executive editor, told staff in an email.
Source: Washington Free Beacon

Here’s an excerpt from the Daily Beast exposé that prompted the ousting of McNeil:

A Times spokesperson told The Daily Beast on Thursday, “In 2019, Donald McNeil, Jr. participated in a Student Journeys as an expert. We subsequently became aware of complaints by some of the students on the trip concerning certain statements Donald had made during the trip. We conducted a thorough investigation and disciplined Donald for statements and language that had been inappropriate and inconsistent with our values. We found he had used bad judgment by repeating a racist slur in the context of a conversation about racist language. In addition, we apologized to the students who had participated in the trip.”
Source: The Daily Beast

Because McNeil was let go for saying the n-word two years ago (“regardless of intent”) and only after the Daily Beast article was published, the Washington Free Beacon dug through posts in a Facebook group for current and former NYT staffers who are quite divided on the handling of McNeil’s departure. Some think that it is justified, others believe it sets a terrible precedent. Some think the union should’ve had his back, and others were hand-wringing about the impact on the children.

A Times spokeswoman muddied the waters further on Sunday, telling the Free Beacon that racial epithets had no place “in the newspaper.” The paper printed the same epithet as recently as last week in a magazine profile of the Princeton classics professor Dan-el Padilla Peralta.

“Even in ironic or self-mocking quotations about a speaker’s own group (in rap lyrics, for example), their use erodes the worthy inhibition against brutality in public discourse,” Danielle Rhoades Ha told the Free Beacon. She declined to say if that policy extends to social media, where other New York Times writers, including Nikole Hannah-Jones and Astead Herndon, have quoted the slur.

Baquet’s statement in particular came in for scathing criticism in the Facebook discussion. “‘We do not tolerate racist language regardless of intent’ might be the most racist statement I’ve ever read,” said Lawrence De Maria, an award-winning crime and finance reporter. “It demeans ALL races.”

Source: Washington Free Beacon

The article goes on to explore two incidents of the 1619 author, Nikole Hannah-Jones, using the n-word on Twitter.

Ah yes, the old “Hard ‘R’ Is Not The Same” defense. Personally, I find that one pretty lame. The word “bich” is used in chat on platforms that censor swearing, but it’s pretty clear that’s just a misspelling of the word “bitch” and the intent is clear, no?

What isn’t clear is why Nikole Hannah-Jones reacted the way that she did.

The Washington Free Beacon asked Hannah-Jones whether intent made a difference in her case. She responded by posting this reporter’s inquiry, including his cell phone number, on Twitter, in direct violation of the website’s terms of service.

She… DOXXED… him… a ban-able offense!

This is par for the course for Hannah-Jones when she is questioned.

Does this mean that the Pulitzer Prize winner will be booted from Twitter?!

Will Dean Baquet have the chutzpah to fire her?!

James Lindsay noted that if he wants to be consistent, Baquet’s zero-tolerance policy means that Hannah-Jones needs to be fired.

Well, we know that neither of those are very likely.

Still, maybe there’s a chance that people will wake up to the “woke” nonsense.

Meanwhile, there’s still a whole lot of division on the issue of what happened to McNeil.

Greenhouse argued that the staffers who went after McNeil, including Hannah-Jones and race reporter John Eligon, had their priorities backwards. Many of them, he wrote in the Facebook group, were “far more willing to sympathize with these privileged 15- and 16-year-olds than with a long time colleague who has done much great work for the Times over the years.”

And it’s all distilled to one salient question…

It has also raised questions about who really edits the paper: Baquet or the radicals who work for him. “Dean and AG [Sulzberger] make a decision, and then are bullied by a vocal minority into changing their minds,” Times contributor Robert Worth said in the Facebook group. “This is not the NYT I know.”
Source: Washington Free Beacon

If Hannah-Jones remains employed at the New York Times, then I think it’s pretty clear the answer to that question — it sure as hell ain’t Dean Baquet.

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