

Sheriff Blows Whistle: Biden Is Dismantling ICE And Ordering Agents To Let Criminals In

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If you are worried that Biden’s administration is going to allow a flood of illegal immigrants in the the country then the latest news won’t ease your concerns.

The Daily Wire had more on the story: 

Appearing on Fox & Friends on Monday, a Virginia sheriff blasted the Biden administration for its policy on illegal immigration, saying that President Biden has “effectively and functionally dismantled ICE, basically telling the agents to stand down.”

Fox & Friends host Steve Doocy prompted Frederick County Sheriff Chuck Jenkins to comment on the issue, remarking, “Out on the campaign trail, Joe Biden said, ‘During the Obama-Biden administration, we deported too many people.’ … Well, he certainly has taken a big step in that direction.” 

“This is absolutely outrageous, Steve,” Jenkins replied. “Americans should be angry and outraged. What he’s done is effectively and functionally dismantled ICE, basically telling the agents to stand down. There will be no enforcement.”

Fox News reported: 

A Maryland sheriff warned of President Joe Biden’s immigration actions on Monday, arguing that “Americans will not be safe” and “immigrant communities will not be safe.”

“These types of laws lead to more victims of crime, more violent crime [and] gangs infiltrating this country,” Frederick County Sheriff Chuck Jenkins said on “Fox & Friends” Monday.

Jenkins also said Americans should be “outraged” at Biden for his immigration actions, arguing that the president has “dismantled ICE” by “basically telling the agents to stand down.”

Jenkins made the comments reacting to an interview by an unnamed official who told The Washington Post on Sunday that the Biden administration “abolished ICE without abolishing ICE.”

“The pendulum swing is so extreme,” the official continued. “It literally feels like we’ve gone from the ability to fully enforce our immigration laws to now being told to enforce nothing.”

U.S. immigration authorities will revise their approach to arrests and deportations under President Biden, according to Homeland Security officials.

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