

Democrats Left Stunned By Latest Polls As Americans Have Already Turned Against Them And Their Impeachment Stunt

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The Democrat’s effort to pursue impeachment against President Trump even after he has left office is starting to backfire spectacularly, and they continue to push foreword even if the American people don’t support it.

Most would agree, of course, that the swamp creatures in D.C. have not bothered to learn what Americans think about impeachment.

Democrats are so eager to destroy former President Donald Trump’s legacy and brand him a “traitor” that they ignore that nearly 74 million Americans voted for him.

Now, Americans are letting Congress know loud and clear what they think about this.

A majority of battleground voters want Congress to move on from impeaching Trump, according to a January 12 memo from the pollster John McLaughlin of McLaughlin & Associates.

The survey examined 800 battleground voters in key states — Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia, and Wisconsin — and found the majority oppose both another impeachment attempt and Big Tech dramatically increasing censorship.

The memo, which was addressed to Trump campaign adviser Jason Miller, found 60 percent of all voters view impeachment as “another waste of time and money.”

An even greater percentage, 77 percent, believe the 117th Congress should prioritize dealing with the Chinese coronavirus pandemic, with less than a quarter preferring to prioritize impeaching Trump.

Nearly three-fourths also believe that the efforts of the Democrats, to impeach Trump, are “politically motivated to prevent the President from running again, stripping his Secret Service protection, and preventing him from having a presidential Library.”

Other findings, per the memo:

  • 65% of all voters agree that by continuing to attack the President, [President-elect] Joe Biden and [House Speaker] Nancy Pelosi are making this worse and keeping the country divided. Only 35% disagree.
  • 48% of all voters are less likely to vote for a member of Congress who votes to impeach the president. Only 36% are more likely.
  • 80% of Trump voters and 76% of Republicans are less likely to vote for a member of Congress who votes for impeachment.

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