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Virginia Father Goes VIRAL After NUKING School Board With Passionate Speech — ‘Open The Freaking Schools!’

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Warning, the following video gets real heated real quick. You may want to double check the space around you as well, as any reasonable parent will likely give a standing ovation after the video ends!

A Loudoun County School Board in Virginia got sent into shock on Tuesday after a frustrated parent expressed his frustration over the board’s refusal to open for in-person learning. The video of his rant which left board members speechless has gone viral.

The man began by suggesting the board members be fired from their “day jobs” for showing themselves as “more inefficient than the DMV.” He became increasingly agitated as he voiced what he said was the view of “a line of other people out there.”

“You’re a bunch of cowards hiding behind our children as an excuse for keeping schools closed,” he said. “You think you’re some sort of martyrs because of the decisions you’re making when the statistics do not lie that the vast majority of the population is not at risk from this virus.”

The unidentified father finished his remarks by shouting at the board to “figure it out!”


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