

Hunter’s Business Partner Drops Massive Email Bomb! Biden BEGGED For Millions From China

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A new email from Tony Bobulinski reveals how Hunter Biden sent best wishes to his Chinese business partner, before asking him for 10 million so he could get their startup company off the ground:

NY POST – Hunter Biden lobbied since-vanished Chinese oil tycoon Ye Jianming to “quickly” wire him $10 million to help establish and fund his failed business venture SinoHawk Holdings in 2017, according to an email obtained by The Post.

In the June 18 email, President-elect Joe Biden’s scandal-scarred son sent “best wishes from the entire Biden family” before outlining his expectations for their joint venture.

The trove of documents were among more than 900 made public by Hunter Biden’s former business partner Tony Bobulinski, who stepped forward in October with bombshell allegations that Joe Biden was intimately involved in his son’s plans to cash in overseas.

In the 2017 email, Biden introduced Ye to Bobulinski, who he said would be acting as CEO of SinoHawk Holdings and was bullish about his ability to invest Ye’s billions in infrastructure projects in countries like Oman and Romania.

The email…

“Dear Chairman Ye: I hope my letter finds you well. I regret missing you on your last visit to the United States Please accept the best wishes from the entire Biden family as well as my partners,” the letter began.

“As you know since our last meeting we have concluded the establishment of SinoHawk Holdings and I look forward to introducing you to Mr. Tony Bobulinski,” he wrote.

“He is a very close friend of James Gilliar and the Biden family and joined our team to focus on the execution of things as a partner.”

“He will act as the CEO of SinoHawk Holdings. He has invested capital all over the world for some of the world’s wealthiest families,” he went on, before asking Ye to send a “$10 MM USD wire.”

“I would appreciate if you will send that quickly so we can properly fund and operate Sinohawk. I hope that you are satisfied with the introductions made in Oman and the progress made,” he went on.

The money was never sent and Ye was disappeared by the Chinese government:

But Ye’s company, CEFC China Energy Company Limited, never sent the funds and SinoHawk apparently was dissolved around October 2018, according to documents released by Bobulinski.

Ye disappeared after being taken into custody by Chinese authorities in early 2018, and CEFC, which was China’s largest private energy company, went bankrupt this year, according to reports.

Their venture targeted “key domestic contacts” including New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo for potential projects across the country, documents revealed.

SinoHawk was a limited liability company that involved Hunter Biden, Bobulinski, Joe Biden’s brother Jim Biden and several other men.

All of this proof that the former Vice President Biden’s crime family was doing business with China, yet the media could care less.

Tucker talked about this in a larger segment about how Biden is about to appoint a Chinese propagandist as ambassador to China:


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