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Twitter Confirms That Trump Likely To Be BANNED From Platform After Biden Inauguration — Parler Waits With Open Arms

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Many on the right have openly wondered when President Trump would dump Twitter for Parler, a platform more favorable to free speech.

Well, it looks like that time may come soon.

Twitter confirmed that they could clamp down harder on President Donald Trump’s personal Twitter account after he leaves office.

They are literally counting down the hours until they can justify making his Twitter account go dark.

According to Twitter’s “principles & approach” to world leaders, “if a Tweet from a world leader does violate the Twitter Rules but there is a clear public interest value to keeping the Tweet on the service, we may place it behind a notice that provides context about the violation and allows people to click through should they wish to see the content.”

Trump will lose that stipulation at noon on Jan. 20, a Twitter spokesperson told Forbes last Thursday on condition of anonymity, also saying the company does not have “special rules” for dealing with Trump.

Despite Trump’s status as the president of the United States, Twitter has been cracking down on many of his tweets since Election Day that have questioned the integrity of the election results, either hiding them or flagging them and linking to articles that asserts the results are trustworthy. In the two days following the election, Twitter labeled 50% of his tweets, according to Forbes. –DailyWire

Social media has had a love-hate relationship with the right. They loved the revenue and traffic our sites and brought them, but they hate the very ground we stand on.

They view us as a disposable means to an end.

Democrats thought they had a lock on social media when they leveraged Facebook’s data-mining tools to get the vote out for Obama. You can only imagine their horror when they saw Trump turn the tables on them in 2016.

They were blindsided when the right broke new ground as great innovators and pioneers with our use of Social Media to bypass media gatekeepers of information.

Immediately, Democrats like David Brock at Media Matters developed a detailed strategy to use social media monopolies to crush their opposition on the right, including the practice of bogus fact-checkers as a justification to shut down right-of-center voices. They put it all in writing, too: MEDIA MATTERS WAR PLAN 2017 — Description: David Brock’s 49 page war manual for defeating the American right.

Now that the Tech Tyrants have the critical mass they need to capture and control the digital public square, and silence voices saying things they don’t want us to hear — including silencing America’s oldest newspaper exposing a scandal involving pay-for-play corruption in the immediate family of a Presidential candidate only weeks before the election — they want to entirely shut out those troublesome right-of-center voices whose controversy and platforms helped them achieve their monopolies in the first place.

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