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Biden’s Health Sec. Pick Is So Radically Pro-Abortion That Even Pro-Choice Advocates Think He’s Crazy — Supports AFTER BIRTH Abortion!

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Senator Rand Paul sounded a warning Monday about Joe Biden’s pick for The United States Secretary of Health and Human Services supporting late term and even at birth or after birth abortions.

Speaking about California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, who has been tapped up for the role by Biden, Paul said “I’m concerned about the reports that say that he’s been a champion for late-term abortion and at the time of birth abortion, and that’s outside the norm.”

“Even pro-choice people a lot of times will say they believe in some restrictions, but to believe in sort of complete, unlimited abortion until the time of birth or after, I think is something that’s a very radical position,” the Senator added.

“I would hate to have him in charge of trying to dispense government monies towards that kind of policy,” Paul urged.

“So, we’ll look long and hard and I’ll try to keep an open mind, but my first impression of what I’m hearing about him is that he may be way outside the mainstream of what anybody in Kentucky would think is right,” Paul emphasised, referring to his state.



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