

BREAKING: GA Opens Investigation Into Stacey Abram Group For Voter Fraud In GA Runoff

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With control of the Senate as well as the future of the nation at stake, there is nothing that Democrats and their operatives won’t do to retake total control of Congress. 

In Georgia, a state that is the epicenter of election irregularities and suspicious activity like the “burst water pipe” that halted counting in Fulton Count on election night, Dem front groups are determined to steal both Senate runoffs as well. 

With President Trump turning up the heat, Secretary Of State Brad Raffensperger has opened an investigation into groups that are encouraging out-of-state voters including college students to change their residency to Georga for the runoff elections. 

One of the groups that will face questions is New Georgia Project, an organization that was co-founded by the gubernatorial loser and jilted potential Joe Biden running mate Stacey Abrams. 

Via The Washington Examiner, “Georgia investigating four liberal voter registration groups ahead of Senate runoffs”:

Georgia officials have opened up investigations into four liberal groups accused of trying to sign up new voters ahead of two January runoff races that will determine control of the Senate.

America Votes, Vote Forward, Operation New Voter Registration, and the New Georgia Project are all under investigation, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said Monday despite defending the integrity of the state’s voting system.

Raffensperger has said there is no evidence of systemic election irregularities or fraud, but he stressed that his office will investigate any credible claim of illegal voting and election law violations.

More than 250 cases are under investigation, but none of them will likely change the outcome of the election, Gabriel Sterling, a top official in Raffensperger’s office, said during the news conference at the state Capitol.

It is unclear whether the four groups singled out Monday actually did anything illegal or the incidents were accidental.

Regardless, Raffensperger issued a stern warning.

“Let me be very clear again: Voting in Georgia when you are not a resident of Georgia is a felony, and encouraging college kids to commit felonies with no regard for what it might mean for them is despicable,” he said.

The New Georgia Project, founded by Democratic activist Stacey Abrams, faces claims that it sent voter registration applications to people in New York City.

Abrams who once burned a state flag on the steps of the Georgia capitol and who has been a champion of reparations is a revered figure for the same media that condemns President Trump for not conceding yet she has yet to concede her loss to Governor Brian Kemp. 

Abrams’ group issued a statement denying any improprieties:

Brad Raffensperger, Georgia’s Republican Secretary of State, resurrected a tired and false claim against the New Georgia Project’s legitimate efforts to register eligible Georgians to participate in elections in a press conference held Monday morning, November 30th.

As Georgians are turning out in record numbers to have their voices heard at the polls, the Secretary of State is resorting to desperate attempts to smear law-abiding organizations and scare eligible Georgians from registering to vote in critical upcoming elections. We will not be deterred.

This attack on our organization comes at a time when people across the country have witnessed the strength of our program and the collective power of a new Georgia electorate that embraces a system of inclusivity and opportunity for all Georgians. The timing is not accidental.

Both Raffensperger and Governor Kemp have been slammed by Trump for their refusal to properly investigate election irregularities or to conduct real audits of suspicious votes and red flag incidents. 

Abrams herself has yet to weigh in but she will almost certainly cry racism to deflect attention from very serious questions about her organization’s activities. 

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