

VOTER SUPPRESSION: Angry Rioters Leave Minneapolis Trump Supporters Silent And Worried

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Who would have guessed that residents of U.S. cities wouldn’t want to see their streets and businesses burned to the ground, with civil unrest and riots persisting as a result of Democratic leadership and a media who continues to embolden the behavior?

That is why in Minneapolis, at least, it is being reported that the summer’s chaos is leading to silent support for President Trump in the upcoming election. This comes as Trump trails Joe Biden in Minnesota, according to polls, and as Minneapolis has slashed its police budget by $14 million.

But as Fox News points out, the issue of civil unrest and property destruction may wind up “Trumping” what is being reported in the polls for the state thus far.

Minneapolis was ground zero for riots and looting after the death of George Floyd and prompted – with the help of a mainstream media that gave the riots relentless coverage – similar unrest around the country.

Now, voters are remembering what happened to their city as they approach the ballot box. Minnesota GOP Chairwoman Jennifer Carnahan told Fox News that the state “had been through a lot”.

She continued: “The riots in Minneapolis and the impact and devastation and all of the fallout that is continuing as we enter October are going to be on the ballot in Minnesota when voters go to the polls, whether they’ve already voted or will vote on Election Day.” – READ MORE

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