

Top Democrats LIVID Pelosi Rejected Trump’s $1.8 Trillion Covid Relief Deal

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Some prominent Democrats are lashing out at Speaker Nancy Pelosi after she refused the White House’s “compromise” offer of $1.8 trillion on coronavirus relief. Pelosi’s refusal to the offer came almost immediately, bringing many in her own party to plead with her, “take the deal!”

Andrew Yang, a former Democratic presidential candidate, tweeted point-blank at the Speaker over the weekend, telling Pelosi to “take the deal” or risk political fallout.

“Nancy Pelosi take this deal!” Andrew Yang, he said, directing her to the $1.8 trillion plan. “Put politics aside people are hurting.”

Former Obama administration bigwig Dan Pfeiffer agreed, telling Pelosi to ignore “potential risks” and ink the deal with President Donald Trump, sending relief to families in need instead of forcing them to wait until after the presidential election.

“While there are potential risks, Democrats should aggressively pursue a COVID Relief deal with Trump,” Pfeiffer tweeted. – READ MORE

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