

Liberal Media OK With ‘Sexist’ Reporting Of ACB Because She’s A White Conservative

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Hypocrisy is synonymous with politics far too often and sadly something most voters come to expect. Since 2016, Democrats and the liberal press have made no effort to even avoid the slightest of hypocritical stances as they constantly barrage President Trump with countless attacks.

Unfortunately, Democrats and the liberal press are willing to even go against their ‘higher morals’ just to attack Trump over his attempt to fill the late Justice Ginsburg’s seat on the Supreme Court before his term is up.

If you have been taking note of the media’s coverage of Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation hearing, they have flagrantly violated their own rules on sexist reporting and attacking women. Why? Because to them, Barrett is just a privileged white woman in support of Trump, therefor she deserves no protections or respect.


Days before Joe Biden chose Sen. Kamala Harris (D., Calif.) to be his historic running mate in 2020, a coalition of liberal anti-sexism experts, including former Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett, distributed media guidelines for reporting on female candidates.

The media seemed more than willing to abide by the expert recommendations, which advised against reporting on certain topics, such as a female candidate’s “ambition,” “likability,” and whether she is “qualified” for the job. “Reporting, even as asides in a story, on a woman’s looks, weight, tone of voice, attractiveness and hair is sexist news coverage unless the same analysis is applied to every candidate,” the experts warned.

The media has continued to ignore expert recommendations for anti-sexist reporting in its coverage of Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation hearing. The Daily Beast, for example, engaged in sexist reporting on Barrett’s choice of clothing on Monday, publishing an article that would never have been written about a male nominee.

“The justice picked a very nice outfit for her first confirmation hearing,” the Daily Beast‘s Alaina Demopoulos wrote, sexistly. “Too bad it was curated for such an ugly, rotten process.”

The Washington Post published an article on Barrett’s large (and very diverse) family that even the paper’s left-wing columnist Jennifer Rubin denounced as “grotesquely sexist.” The Post‘s Robin Givhan violated numerous anti-sexist guidelines in the piece, which described Barrett as “unleashing her ambition” despite her “prolific motherhood.”

Slate also violated the anti-sexism experts’ prohibition on critiquing female “ambition” by painting Barrett as “a shameless, cynical careerist” who is “bent on making herself one of the nine most powerful judges in the country.” As the liberal experts made clear in their reporting guidelines, such reporting is sexist because “the very nature of seeking political office, or any higher job for that matter,” is by definition a “mission of ambition” that women should be allowed to pursue as readily as their male counterparts.

The Economist, meanwhile, flagrantly ignored the expert sanctions against reporting on a woman’s “likability” by describing her as “the least popular Supreme Court nominee in recent history.” This is obviously sexist, the coalition of anti-sexists argued, because likability is “a subjective metric at best,” and is “never considered a legitimate news story” when applied to men. 

We are not even halfway through the confirmation hearing which means you can expect the reporting to continue to put a negative, sexist lens on their coverage of Barrett. The behavior thus far of our nation’s foremost professional journalists—ignoring the expert guidelines and embracing sexism at the expense of the truth—has been regrettable. Yet, they wonder why American’s have lost faith in journalism.

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