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Left-wing Governor Of Washington Freaks Out After Boeing Moves Production Out Of State Due To Crushing Restrictions — DEMANDS They Bring Those Jobs Back

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Jay Inslee, the left wing governor of Washington State, is freaking out because Boeing has decided to move production of its 787 airplane to the more conservative and business friendly South Carolina.

Who can blame Boeing for making such a move, especially if it benefits them financially?

Besides, in Seattle, leaders have shown that they will allow mobs of left wingers to destroy businesses.

KING 5 News reports:

Boeing moving all 787 Dreamliner production from Everett to South Carolina

Boeing will relocate all 787 Dreamliner production from Everett to South Carolina, the company confirmed Thursday.

The Wall Street Journal first reported the move that would deeply impact the Snohomish County economy and region as a whole.

The decision comes as the company responds to the “current global environment” in order to “enhance efficiency and improve performance for the long-term.”

“The Boeing 787 is the tremendous success it is today thanks to our great teammates in Everett. They helped give birth to an airplane that changed how airlines and passengers want to fly,” said Stan Deal, president and chief executive officer of Boeing Commercial Airplanes. “As our customers manage through the unprecedented global pandemic, to ensure the long-term success of the 787 program, we are consolidating 787 production in South Carolina.”

People familiar with the matter told the Wall Street Journal that the decision to end production of that jetliner in Washington state comes as the “coronavirus pandemic saps demand for aircraft.”

Governor Inslee knows he is losing a major source of revenue and he is not happy about it.

Maybe Washington should try to be more business friendly.

They can start with Seattle.

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