

The ‘Silent Majority’ Are Finally Speaking! Trump Approval SOARS In Recent Polls

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Better prepare for the Democratic meltdowns when they hear these latest poll numbers.

First came the news last week that at least three polls now show that President Donald Trump has closed the distance with Joe Biden and is within 4-6 points of him. Given how many polls seem to have a Democratic tilt plus the ‘secret Trump voter’ effect, and those numbers may be even closer.

According to the Washington Examiner, the Emerson College poll showed Biden at 50% and President Trump at 46%. The survey of 964 likely voters has a plus or minus 3.1 percentage point rating of accuracy. It added, “A majority of voters, 53%, still think Trump will be reelected in November.”

The Zogby Poll also showed the race close, with 44% for Biden and 40% for Trump.

Rasmussen’s poll showed a 6 point difference, with 48% for Biden, 42% for Trump. Last week, Rasmussen had the race 47% Biden to 45% Trump. Of those planning to vote in person, Trump had a commanding lead, while Biden had a commanding lead among those planning to vote in person.

But even better is a new Rasmussen poll showing Trump now has 51% approval, better than Barack Obama at this time in his presidency, which was 44%.

Additionally, an Economist/YouGov poll reveals a big trouble spot for Biden and the Democrats: Trump supporters are far more enthusiastic about voting for him than are Biden supporters.

From Washington Examiner:

When asked, “How do you feel about the presidential candidates listed below?” 40% of Biden’s supporters said “enthusiastic” compared to 68% of Trump’s supporters.

And when asked, “How enthusiastic are you about voting for president in the upcoming presidential election in November?” 53% of Biden’s supporters said “extremely or very enthusiastic” compared to 76% of Trump supporters.

Moreover, Trump supporters are more enthusiastic to vote this year over prior years than Biden supporters.

This makes sense as people are looking at what has been going on with the riots and the spiraling violence, seeing the Democrats seriously wanting and failing to address it, but Republicans and Trump calling it out and responding. Expect Trump’s numbers to do even better than this, is my prediction, as more and more people get tired of all the craziness and/or it hits their neighborhoods.


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