

FACTS MATTER! Newly Released Footage Of George Floyd Arrest Adds A Lot Of Missing CRITICAL Context

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By this time most have already made up their mind based on what video has been released in the death of George Floyd. But new video has been released today that shows nearly the entire interaction with Floyd to the point that he was put on the ground with the officer’s knee on his neck.


I watched the full video and it was clear that Floyd refused to comply with police officers from the beginning. It took him forever to put his hands on the steering wheel and then on top of his head as the officer ordered, presumably because he was intoxicated and/or high and he kept trying to explain himself to officers and plead for them not to shoot him.

When police tried to get him into their vehicle he wouldn’t go, claiming he was claustrophobic even though he was just inside his vehicle. He was already claiming he couldn’t breathe and that he was going to die. Officers said they would roll down the window but he never would comply, complaining about this or that. Eventually one officer had to go to the other side of the vehicle and try and pull him into the vehicle. He ended up escaping out of that side of the vehicle, saying he couldn’t breathe and that he was choking, and then told officers that he wanted to lay on the ground. It was at that point they put him on the ground and you know the rest of the story.

Not all of the video was crystal clear, but this does put into better perspective why the officers had him on the ground in handcuffs, which was a huge question mark all along.

Matt Walsh said today that he doesn’t see how prosecutors are going to get a murder conviction after seeing this video:

He’s not wrong about the riots being 100 times worse, especially if such an acquittal happens sooner than later.

I can’t find the tweet, but someone else noted that Floyd had already complained about not being able to breathe so much that it was understandable why the officers didn’t believe him when he was saying it on the ground so many times.

As Walsh noted above, the initial autopsy said there was no traumatic asphyxiation that resulted in his death:

Which leads me to wonder if his death was actually caused by any combination of drugs/alcohol/anxiety.

Now that this video has come out, what we thought looked absolutely heinous on the part of the officers suddenly looks far more responsible in this new light. It also shows just how complicated this interaction was from beginning to end. Considering the 2nd degree murder charges and assuming these officers get a fair trial, I could see them being set free when all this is done. And then everything burns.


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