

Pure EVIL: Rioters In Richmond Set Fire To Home With Child Inside, Block Firefighters From Rescue

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There is nothing to describe the actions of rioters in Richmond except pure evil. After setting fire to a building with a child inside, the evil cowards then blocked firefighters from attempting to rescue the child.

As firefighters made their way to a burning home in Richmond, Virginia, protesters blocked nearby roads with vehicles,  according to police.

During a Sunday morning press conference, Richmond Police Chief Will Smith recounted how protesters “intentionally set a fire to an occupied building on Broad Street,” WTVR reported.

He added: “This is not the only occupied building that has been set fire to over the last two days. But they prohibited us from getting on scene.

“We had to force our way to make a clear path for the fire department. Protestors intercepted that fire apparatus several blocks away with vehicles and blocked that fire department’s access to the structure fire. Inside that home was a child.”

The child was able to be saved, Smith said as he appeared to hold back tears.

The fire department was able arrive at the scene safety with the help of police officers who forcefully moved the protesters out of the way.

Smith said that all of the people in the house were helped out by officers.

In addition to the fire incident, protesters threw bottles, rocks, bricks, and “everything that you can imagine” over the weekend, Smith added.

According to WTVR-TV, Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney condemned those who acted with violence.

“Peaceful protests in solidarity against the injustices of black men hijacked by bad actors. As soon as you loot a store or set a public bus on fire, you’re not demonstrating. You’ve made it about you,” Stoney stated.

“When you block law enforcement from allowing fire services to get to a home that has caught on fire. You are not inspiring change.

“When you knock out windows of businesses that had nothing to do with this, you are not inspiring change. That’s an insult to the cause.”

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