

Minneapolis Rioters Looted And Destroyed A Bar Owned By A Black Man Who Sunk His Entire Life Savings In To Business

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In case you needed any more proof that the riots in Minneapolis have nothing to do with helping the black community, we have one more example.

A black business owner wept openly on camera during an interview in which he described the damage done by rioters.

“I don’t know what I’m going to do,” he lamented as he stated that he had invested his entire life savings in to the business.

A news report describes how the Minneapolis bar owner was attempting to clean up when thugs tried to break in again during filming and loot his safe.

“I don’t know what I’m gonna do, I worked so hard to get here, so hard,” the owner says as he cries.

The clip once again emphasizes how rioters are burning down their own community and destroying the lives of other black people, supposedly in pursuit of justice.

In reality, they’ve trashed their own neighborhood and made it highly unlikely that any new businesses will want to set up shop to serve the community there ever again.

Some business owners placed signs that said “minority owned” in an attempt to deter looters, but that obviously didn’t work for this bar owner.

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